A historic peak in Gemini spreads!
Key takeaways of last week:?
We are seeing an all-time high in Gemini spreads that will be worth more than 10% of the asset price on ETH-USD.
Unlike the previous week when ETH-EUR had a turnover equivalent to that of ETH-USDT, this week ETH-USDT has a turnover 2 times lower than that of ETH-EUR.
On May 12th 2022, around 07:15 AM, a desynchronization of traded exchanges prices on BTC-USD is observed. The deviation of Bitstamp and Binance US prices from others reached +70 basis points and was around +40 basis points on average.
?On May 12th 2022, around 07:17 AM, similar patterns are shown. The observed deviation reached +100 basis points and was around 50 basis points on average. Both charts indicate a certain consistency of the anomaly over a small time period (minutes)..?
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