Historic Glory of India Heliodorus Column at Vidisha

Historic Glory of India Heliodorus Column at Vidisha

Historic Glory of India Heliodorus column  

The column had been erected in BC 113 by Heliodorus with a name Garudodhvajo ayam. It is the symbol of glory of India. Today it may look like a myth of India’s glorious past as we have forgotten our past in the wave of long slavery. Who so ever come to India as traveler or ambassador, they have enlightened their country, Heliodoros was one who has acknowledged the knowledge, which he has grasped from India and engraved on the column as its testimony.

Garudodhvajao ayam, as the name Helio suggests that the column is in the honor of Sun as Vishnu, the source of resonant vibrations of electromagnetic rays of light. The pillar express that the Creator beholds the creation just like a pillar with its dualistic force, it is in the middle of the creation, just like Yaksha in the center, all are connected with him on chariot of life with the youthful daughter of the Sun ( chemical energy of photosynthesis). The Heliodorus was deeply influenced by the great cultural heritage of Vedic India. In comparison to Greek, India was far ahead. He was enlightened with the knowledge of life on the earth, with which India is a real paradise with peace and progress in all fields. He honoured India with erection of the ornamental column to pay his respect to Vedic wisdom. He was inspired fully by Ashokan Lion Pillar to erect Garudodhvaj column and taken the same wisdom to Greek.

The British with deep inquiry into the Vedic culture were surprised to see the slavery of such a great culture. They have introduced Europe with India’s Vedic heritage and Archaeology of ancient India. With their education policy and industrialization, they have awakened the dormant Indians and burn the flame of freedom in the Indian mind in the light of democracy. But I feel sorry to say that freedom in 1947 was only a timely instant compromise to rule over the country to search our past glory.

The Max Muller declared that India was the country of most richly endowed with all the wealth, power and beauty that nature can bestow, indeed a very paradise on earth, a place where the human mind has most fully developed. The India has solved the problem of life long back. India is the cradle of civilization, and the man has arisen in India, the birth place of races, Philosophy and of religions.

The most important discovery was made by the indefatigable General Sir Alexander Cunningham in 1877. During an archeological survey of Besnagar in central India, he noted an ornamental column and recognized that the Glory of Falcon is glory of India’s glorious past, but struggling for survival with inherent deep rooted faith in Vedas and age old traditions.

In this way freedom with so called religious bifurcation of Indian subcontinent on 15th August 1947 was a shrewd politics of religion and challenge to India for its integrity in diversity. With which it has absorbed many cultures, religion and tribes in its ocean of caste based society.

Garudodhvajao ayam, as the name Helio suggests that the column is in the honor of Sun as Vishnu, the source of resonant vibrations of electromagnetic rays of light. The pillar express that the Creator beholds the creation just like a pillar with its dualistic force, it is in the middle of the creation, just like Yaksha in the center, all are connected with him on chariot of life with the youthful daughter of the Sun ( chemical energy of photosynthesis). The Heliodorus was deeply influenced by the great cultural heritage of Vedic India. In comparison to Greek, India was far ahead. He was enlightened with the knowledge of life on the earth, with which India is a real paradise with peace and progress in all fields. He honoured India with erection of the ornamental column to pay his respect to Vedic wisdom. He was inspired fully by Ashokan Lion Pillar to erect Garudodhvaj column and taken the same wisdom to Greek.

The Heliodorus column at Basnagar                                                                                      

Garudodhvajao ayam                                                                                       

The Glory of Falcon is glory of India’s glorious past.

The most important discovery was made by the indefatigable General Sir Alexander Cunningham in 1877. During an archeological survey of Besnagar in central India, he noted an ornamental column.

As the name suggests that the column is in the honor of Sun as Vishnu, the source of resonant vibrations of electromagnetic rays of light. The pillar express that the Creator beholds the creation just like a pillar with its dualistic force, it is in the middle of the creation, just like Yaksha in the center, all are connected with him on chariot of life with the youthful daughter of the Sun ( chemical energy of photosynthesis)


            Inscription on the board by ASI on the base of the pillar

The first inscription of the Heliodorus pillar that was made by Heliodorus 113 BCE was erected here by the devotee Heliodoros,

the son of Dion, a man of Taxila, sent by the Great Greek (Yona) King Antialkidas, as ambassador to King Kasiputra Bhagabhadra, the Savior son of the princess from Benares, in the fourteenth year of his reign." (Archaeological Survey of India, Annual Report (1908-1909))

The second inscription on the pillar describes in more detail the spiritual content of the faith supported by Heliodorus:

"Trini amutapadani?[su] anuthitani
nayamti svaga damo chago apramado"

"Three immortal precepts (footsteps)... when practiced lead to heaven: self-restraint, charity, consciousness" (Archaeological Survey of India, Annual Report (1908-1909))

Three with long tresses show in ordered season. One of them sheareth when the year is ended. One with his powers the universe regardeth: of one the sweep is seen, but his figure. ?g. 1-164-44

   . The synthesis and disintegration in the living cell body is controlled by the electromagnetic bond energy, during the life it synthesizes the cellular body and the same disintegrate the physical cell body after death with breaking the bonds. One with his powers the universe regardeth: One regardeth from all sides, it is the chemical energy of the food, which enhance the metabolic reactions in the body and protect the body from all sides during the life time. It provides potentiality to see the sun.



The dedication of the Heliodorus pillar was made by Heliodorus, ambassador of the Indo-Greek king Antialcidas (here depicted on one of his coins).


The God of Gods erected by Heliodorus. The son of Dion and an inhabitant of Taxila, who came as Greek ambassador from the Great king Antialkidas to king Kashiputra Bhagabhadra, the Savior, then reigning prosperity in the fourteenth year of his kingship.




Three immortal precepts (footsteps), when practiced lead to heaven-self restraint, charity, consciousness.


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