“No Pain, No Gain.”
All humans are born vulnerable, selfish and slaves to sin. Infants are vulnerable years after they are born, and demand mother’s milk, among many other essential needs. We do not get to pick our parents, our country, our religion, nor our status in life. At birth, we are all naked and unequal in society, within our villages, cities and country. Equality is an “ideal,” we have to earn since we are all “slaves” to material things and feelings, mainly to sin. No person leaves this temporary life on earth without encountering goodness, and inescapable evil.
Many “cultured” countries in the world gave us some of the greatest artists, musicians, poets, philosophers, theologians, scientists, and institutions of learning. They include England, Germany, France, Italy, Russia, Spain and United States. They also gave us Nazism, Socialism and Communism. This shows that intelligent minds, without a guiding moral compass, produces unbelievable evil.
How is this possible one might wonder. It is because our best and greatest institutions of learning for decades became corrupt and taught our youth false ideologies, which produced decadent minds, which today controls many of our leading corporations and governments. ?These institutions of past excellence include Harvard, Columbia, Yale, UCLA, and many liberal universities.? If we hope to reverse decades of decadence of our society, we have to start with public education, and demand significant changes. Miriam, my wife of 62-years, knows this is true since she was ne great educator of our youth for 47-years.
Worrying and wasting time and resources on negative things and events, we cannot control, such a questionable climate change, excessive protecting of some species, and saving the planet, is a waste of time and limited financial resources. We need to focus our time, intellect and resources on that which we actually can change, like education of our youth, exploring the wonder of the universe, advancing technologies that improve human life and economics. ?
At the same time, we have to fight malicious forces as best we can, without becoming depressed. We should package this “bad stuff,” and throwing it out with the garbage. However, if one ignores evil and corruption within our society, then they are supporting decadence. We must leave of our “safe bubbles,” and take action. Good intentions are worthless! My weapon against evil, after 85-years on earth are these series of articles. “The pen is mightier than the sword.”
It is an act of charity to attempt to help someone involved in grave sin or depravity. Young people are neither good nor evil. Goodness is an endless effort, “a lifetime process.” When teenagers reach adulthood, they will typically claim, “We are now adults, who gives you the right to tell me what is good and bad, or true or false.” This grandfather of 86-years replies: “Dearest, I would not be so enchanted with your new found freedom and lack of obligation towards society.”
Truth is not to be found in left- or right-wing ideals! Many radical groups try to shut-up truth seekers. We should welcome all people who provide diverse constructive thinking, but we should never accept destructive ideas. We cannot make bargains with evil. There is a long list of decadent ideas and immoral thinking: “We are all alike and equal. There is no longer biological males and females. LGBT means we can be whatever we think we can be. Sodomy is legal, as is same-sex marriage. Climate change is our biggest problem. We have our new ‘rights’ and should not listen to people who promote past out-molded values.”
A president once said, “We are only one generation away from losing our Constitutional freedoms.” ?We should all try to protect the best values of American society, which includes the arts, music, Judo-Christian values, constructive ideas, and seek truth and wisdom. Left-wing extremist groups and false religions support wickedness and evil. If one seeks “truth and love,” they must first be true to themselves, and alwys want what is good for the person they love. (Love base on lies is about "feeling good", which is false love, and will not provide everlasting joy.) If one loves the Creator, then they will hate evil.
“Fear of God is the Beginning of Wisdom.”
As the title says at the beginning, “No pain, no gain in life.” Who has accepted the greatest suffering for our sake? Jesus Christ willing suffered and died on the cross to save all sinners. All we must willing choose to do is ask for His mercy and forgiveness, and then repent for past grave sins, and live in His Loving Grace.
Summary of Key Points: