On His Tailgate
It was another classic November day with the drizzling rain and gray skies which always remind me of what northern Europe's weather is like during the winter months, and especially in their coastal areas. I'm sure whenever the sun shines in those locations, everyone's out enjoying every ray of it. Such areas are not for me because I'm a died-in-the-wool sun worshiper.
I had only one morning appointment at office which didn't take too long, and once that charming couple left, I changed into my work clothes and headed over to get some paying-it-forward work done on my favorite section of that contiguous build-out of 214 N. Delaware which used to be Marshall & Swift Cleaners.
Of course it took much longer than I was expecting, and only because I was finding more things needing my attention, which didn't bother me a bit because for a great many years, I've always liked the looks of its exterior design, and likely because it reminds me of some of the buildings I would see in the historic districts of Eastern and Northern Europe. Now if I were to win the lottery, I'd buy that whole build-out, tear those two other buildings down, and have one of the most eye-catching stand-along buildings in our historic district.
Very few people are aware that the building was originally built as a farm machinery dealership which stayed in business up until the Great Depression hit. While working inside, I could see in my mind where they likely positioned their machinery. There's one door on the west side that's boarded up, which was likely used to load and unload machinery in the building. There's a small stairway that leads up to a gallery office which must've been where the owner had his office. About a quarter of the building has a basement under it, and the rest of it is slab on grade. Yes, that's my favorite of that contiguous build-out. Tonight's photo is one of its interior shots, and if you click on it, you'll see the other three.
As chance would have it, another one of my listings sold today, so my tumultuous week produced a whopping five sales. I know way back when business was really booming, I would have such weeks, but none in recent years, which brings me back to telling all of you how grateful and thankful I am for the business you continue to give me. I'm now beginning to wonder if people are rushing to get settled before the hard winter arrives, and in spite of it only being the 9th of November, it seems later in the month for whatever reason.
My normal monthly task of getting my accounting squared away, ended up being a breeze because right off, everything balanced to the penny, so with the extra time I had available, I went ahead and did a little more office cleaning and arranging, and while up at my front window, I made sure my two monster Jade plants had enough water, and since I get a great number of pedestrians stopping to admire them on a near daily basis, I have to keep them looking healthy. I still can't believe how well they do in my front window. They were struggling a little this season, and likely because they had to get adjusted the extra light coming into my office now that the Kirk Apartment building is gone.
While in conversation with a client this afternoon, I mentioned that episode I had around 2:00 a.m. on Wednesday morning, and to my shock, pretty much the same thing happened with her, which sent chills up my arms after being told a very similar story.? We both agreed that we have to make the best of these coming four years in spite of knowing there's gonna be some crazy things happening. Once the 'shite' hits the fan, I'm now wondering what'll be going thru the mind of that guy down the street who's driving that red pickup truck with 'F' Biden' written on his tailgate. The most unfortunate thing about all of this, is the fact that just about everyone's gonna suffer for the ignorance of the many, and the real kicker, is that those who're now financially struggling, are going to be struggling all the more, and God help us if they blame it all on our current administration.
There's no question many of the goods we buy are going to be more expensive if our in-coming Administration raises the tariffs sky-high, because that'll definitely create even more supply-chain issues. Just yesterday, I reminded a young gentleman that most of our factories were closed over these past decades, because our greedy corporations found that they could get cheaper materials from other countries. Way back when they were starting to close factories in the US and then opening new ones in Mexico and the Orient, I said at the time, “Just you wait and see, we're all gonna be paying for it in the future.” So there you are. Don't you just hate it when you're right? Well, I believe much of it comes from my hard-coded critical forward thinking, and don't even ask me what direction in which I believe our fair city is moving. Nope, I ain't gonna go there because I'm just another 'hick' native. Right?
Tonight's One-liner is: You'll do ill if you praise, but worse if you censure what you don't understand.
original post ... https://niowarealty.net/life/2024/11/09/on-his-tailgate/