His Return
Today's devotional is from What Would Jesus Ask You Today?
“Why do you stand here looking into the sky?" - Acts 1:11.
Many have become rich over fictional renditions of end time events that seem obvious to them, but in reality are not so clear in the Bible. Yet these authors and teachers portray themselves as experts on the end times. Your focus is to be about your work on earth, rather than idle speculations concerning what may happen when the end comes and Jesus returns.
Are you infatuated with the things to come or the things that are happening now? Are you working to please the Lord today and trusting that He will take care of tomorrow? Are you content to concentrate on what you know needs to be done rather than future events over which you have no control?
Read 2 Thessalonians 2 and focus on what Paul says you need to do now, realizing that his teaching on the Lord's return is not as clear and precise as some make it out to be.