Be His Child
photo by Elizabeth Burgard Fulgaro ? 2016

Be His Child

by Elizabeth Burgard Fulgaro ? 2016

This morning as I was praying for someone and something specific, the Lord suddenly broadened my prayers into that form where we are worshiping Him instead of really praying for anything specific. The reason is His greatness, sovereignty and supremacy. We think we know and yet we don't. He does. What a relief to truly be able to put all things once again in His hands because He is the only capable One. Our job is to simply choose to take up our rest in Him (which is often facilitated through dwelling on worshipful thoughts that contemplate Him), to listen and obey.

One analogy which always seems to speak to me is the analogy of the child. (Jesus tells us only those who become as children will enter the kingdom of heaven.) We are to play at His feet like children in the sandbox working on that which seems important to us (and is often His assignment), while He stands watch, with the eternal, complete perspective of the Almighty, Supreme, Extreme Parent. We play very focused, excitedly and happily until that moment, He knows it is time to move again, beckons us, even taking us by the hand and leads us on.

This is what the Lord offers us through Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We do not have to figure everything out. We are not supposed to figure everything out. We don't have to. He's got this. It's all His anyway. And so we do the step He has laid before us until He gives us the next. And it is glorious, for there is no stress in being His child. Contemplate His Supreme Majesty today. Take up the rest to which He invites you and be the child. He is faithful to lead you on.

I love you. He loves you more. ~ Elizabeth

originally published on Facebook:  SPIRITUAL ARMOR & AMMO, a page of mini devotions, created to help us garner strength to fight the battles in our lives by leaning on (and wielding the sword of) God's Truth.


