Hiring Winners! Workshop
Nigel Dunand
Success formula for CEO's and MD's. Build A-Player technical Sales Teams, become an A-Player Coach, create an A-Player Culture, attract GREAT staff and clients for mutually profitable, long-term relationships.
“I spend 5% of my time recruiting, and 80% of my time dealing with the consequences of poor recruitment!”
I'm delighted to be joining #NatWestBoost to give a workshop on Tuesday 23rd January, about steps a business can take to help hire the right talent to work in your business.
This talk is an opportunity for managing directors, business owners and sales directors to take a look at their hiring process from a different perspective.
Many businesses tend to hire when they “need” someone. They interview someone who “needs” a job, encouraged by a recruiter who “needs” a sale. They tend to hire fast…and fire slow.
Gain insights into how you can create a hiring process that will effectively and efficiently guard against bad hires. A “hire slow, and fire fast” process.
- Frustrated at hiring people who interview well, but fail to live up to the promise?
- Struggle to find the right candidates?
- Annoyed at how much time energy and effort money you might be wasting on bad hires?
- Unsure of how to identify a technically qualified sales candidate who can really sell?
Find out :
- Why it takes at least 3 questions to get to the truth in an interview
- Why you should hire on attitude and behaviour, rather than experience and skill
- Why you should always be hiring. Why wait until you have a need?
We will share with you some techniques, and best practices of companies that succeed in hiring the talent you want.
Places are limited, book early to avoid disappointment!