Hiring!! Hiring!!
Ritu Bhati
2.5k+ Helping hand, Recruitment specialist| Business consultant, | PROVIDING OPPORTUNITIES FOR FRESHERS and EXPERIENCED |Work from home Recruitment specialists.
HIRING IMMEDIATELY WORK from home opportunity.Any 4 hours ROLE : Chat Process, copy paste, Typing, backend Work, HR, Recruitment.
SALARY : 45K TO 80KFull time / part time both are Available.Recruiting from India only.
Drop your details on this WhatsApp number Hr Supriya -https://wa.me/+919244372236
Hindi communication is mandatory.TIMINGS: FLEXIBLE
Apply Now :- comment "" Yes"" and ""like"" the post!LIKE THE POST AND COMMENT hashtag#INTERESTED I WILL SHORTLIST YOU WITHIN NEXT 24Hr#hrgeneralist hashtag#hrexecutive #hr #hrhiring hashtag#hrinternship hashtag#hrhiring hashtag#hradministration hashtag#hrcommunity hashtag#jobseeking hashtag#jobforyou hashtag#hiringfreshers hashtag#hiringnow hashtag#urgent hashtag#itrecruiters hashtag#usitrecruitment hashtag#usitstaffing hashtag#itjobs hashtag#freshershiring hashtag#freshers hashtag#support hashtag#helpinghands hashtag#linkedinjobs hashtag#connections hashtag#india hashtag#recruitment hashtag#hiring hashtag#job
2.5k+ Helping hand, Recruitment specialist| Business consultant, | PROVIDING OPPORTUNITIES FOR FRESHERS and EXPERIENCED |Work from home Recruitment specialists.
7 个月Reply only my link .
2.5k+ Helping hand, Recruitment specialist| Business consultant, | PROVIDING OPPORTUNITIES FOR FRESHERS and EXPERIENCED |Work from home Recruitment specialists.
7 个月Apply here -https://wa.me/+919244372236
2.5k+ Helping hand, Recruitment specialist| Business consultant, | PROVIDING OPPORTUNITIES FOR FRESHERS and EXPERIENCED |Work from home Recruitment specialists.
7 个月Like this post and comment interested.