Seven Emerging Hiring Challenges
Is there a North Star employers can rely upon to navigate the frenetic white water world of hiring, retention, and development
Emerging Hiring Challenges
1 Hiring -Labor Shortage -Turnover
The lowest unemployment rate in the U.S. during the last 53 years combined with these emerging workforce dynamics; quiet and loud quitting, the hybrid work model, gig work, DE&I; all somewhat spawned and spearheaded and drawn into the spotlight by the Great Resignation are now impacting our approach to hiring with unintended consequences.
Employee disengagement and or disenchantment is at record levels causing some employers to take the costly precautionary step of conducting multiple marathon interviews to ensure they are hiring the right person. This approach is ineffective, costly and unnecessary. Employers need more candidate data and less interviews. Other employers are casting a wider net and find that they are able to generate untapped candidates having transferable skills
post 3 min read > The Power of Using Data in the Hiring Process
post 2 min read > Marathon Interviews Are Costly, Wasteful and Unnecessary
post 4 min read > Can't Find Qualified Applicants - Think Again
post 5 min read > ?Winning the War on Turnover
2 Hiring All Stars
Managers know who their top performers are in a specific role and want to hire candidates that can perform at their level. Is there a scientific solution that a hiring manager can use to benchmark their best sales reps, or customer service people for example so they can hire candidates who have a similar passion and attributes for the job?
post 4 min read > Hospital Reduces Nurse Turnover
post 6 min read > Replicate Top Performers
post 2 min video > Hiring Remorse - If I only knew
post 2 min read > Job Fit Data a Supplement to Instinctive Hiring Practices
3 Building a Diverse Workforce & Unconscious Bias
Diverse workforces outperform homogenous ones on every level. Discover the competitive advantages of building a diverse workforce. Become a bias disrupter one hire at a time.
post 4 min read > Building a Diverse Workforce
post 3 min read > How to Take the Bias Out of Interviews
Leadership development demands a new urgency against the backdrop of a tight labor market, boomer retirement, and increasing turnover challenges. The traditional leadership development model isn't working for some organizations seeking a more agile effective on demand leadership development model to fill the pipeline.
post 5 min. video >?A Scalable Leadership Development Plan
post 2 min. video > Managership Isn't Leadership
5 Remote Interviews
The remote interview has become a staple for hiring whether the candidate is across town or across the globe. The convenience and time savings are irrefutable but virtual interviews are more challenging than face to face.
post 1 min. read > Virtual Hiring is Easier with Data.
6 Hybrid Work
3 min. read > What Your Personality Tells You About Working Remotely
7 Alarming Employer Discrimination Lawsuits
In Fiscal Year 2023, The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission received 67,448 discrimination cases many claiming biased hiring and promotion activity. With only 200 workdays a year this equates to over 337 discrimination filings a day and 42 every working hour.
An unstructured and inconsistent hiring process is one lacking job fit data.The lack of reliable data tends to turn an interview into a likability test, opening the door for multiple opinions and interviews; fertile ground for unconscious bias, cronyism and gut feel; diversity's nemesis.
With all the complexities, risks, and challenges associated with hiring it's comforting to know that the PXT Select? bridges the gap between resume and interview cutting through the clutter and noise providing hiring managers with candidate data to make informed hiring, and development decisions.
Let IFP transform one of your job descriptions into measurable skills analytics for FREE to assist with interviewing and hiring.
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National Talent Acquisition Business Partner @ Clarvida | Certified Talent Acquisition Specialist | Certified Adult Mental Health First Aid
5 个月Unfortunately a lot of challenges arise from bad managers. They are not under the same scrutiny as their subordinates. Toxic management creates an unbalanced one way relationship where the manager hold the power of making decisions, retaliating and firing. If upper management is unwilling to acknowledge these challenges the employees feel hopeless and unappreciated. Why give 120% to a company that doesn’t value you?