Hiring Ex-Cons:  The Mark of Cain in an Electronic Plantation

Hiring Ex-Cons: The Mark of Cain in an Electronic Plantation

I was watching a French series on "La Legion Etrangere" (The French Foreign Legion- yes, I speak French too) and I was surprised to see an American candidate. When the reporter asked him why he wanted to join The Legion, the young man, having just signed his 5 year contract, became very emotional. His voice choked. He said that felt that his country abandoned him and that France was offering him a "new home". Curious, the reporter begged for more detail. The young American said that when he was a little younger, he did some time for stealing a car. He paid his dues. However, when he came back into society, all doors were closed to him. He couldn't get a job anywhere because he had the Mark of Cain. I thought about what he said. I don't have a natural sympathy for lawbreakers, however, what he said reflected naked reality...and I could not deny this. I thought about the job applications that I completed when I was much younger that had a question about prior criminal convictions and how "this would not enter into the hiring process"...which, of course, we know, is not true. As an employer, of course, I'd like to know....and I think I have the right to know...if an applicant has committed a past crime. If, however, an individual has paid for his/her crimes, and we are truly a land of opportunity, then why the need for an electronic plantation?  Your thoughts? Your views? Your opinions? 

Corey A.

Property Analysis - Home Inspection & Reporting

3 年

I believe everyone is redeemable and deserves the opportunity to prove themselves worthy. But I would have to lend context to the situation and job, as you’ve eluded to James Hormozi. Sounds like we lost a good one !

Kira Fulks

Publisher at The Forum Press

3 年

When one commits a crime and pays his dues he should be able to return and recoup his life. All too often we punish but fail to rehabilitate, reeducate and bring them back into the fold as productive members of society. Instead, we keep on punishing by stigmatizing and denying opportunities, and we wonder why people derail further into skid row. My son was a victim of a violent crime here at our studio--we are lucky he is alive. I dont excuse criminal behavior and there are many gray areas but on the whole our system can and should be improved. As my author Judge Gray told me this country has the largest number of incarceration in the world. If we keep punishing all we get is bigger unresolved problems. And that's my two cents opinion on the issue. James "Don Carlos" Hormozi


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