Hiring and Developing Right People
Driving Change, Delivering Success Transforming Businesses with Vision and Strategy Execution
My recent pole has given a signal that it is a critical issue for long. A significant % of organization is suffering the lack of right people in critical positions.
If not now when to fix it?
At least decide the following:
2. What are the must have competencies in every employee
3. What are the functional competencies
4. What are the leadership competencies must be developed before promoting someone.
5. What mix % or blend you will maintain from best the academic background (educational institutions)
6. Performance management with a development plan
7. At what % of the market you will pay and how you will compensate the best.
8. How to balance old and new employee in terms of loyalty, performance and pay
9. How to inject superstar (leader of leaders)
10. How to handle nonperformers and non compatible people.
Hope we will overcome this gap as soon as possible.