Hiring Alert!

TekIP Knowledge Consulting is hiring! Please see the job description below:

Research Associate - Patents

TekIP Knowledge Consulting Pvt. Ltd. Is hiring for a Patent Analyst Position. Please refer to the details of the position below.

About the position:

  • Read, assimilate, and articulate a wide spectrum of technical information in their area of expertise.
  • Experience in Patent Search and Analysis in Materials Science, and Chemistry disciplines. This will include the use of patent-based search tools and report generation.
  • Should possess M.Sc./ M.Tech. or higher degree in Materials Science, Chemistry or Chemical Engineering.
  • Carried out patent analysis using relevant tools in the market.
  • Should be a self-starter and good at working in teams.
  • Professional attitude towards work and responsible for consistent and quality delivery
  • Work location will be Bangalore and in person.
  • Please forward your CVs to [email protected] .


