hire jsaCONTRACTOR - to investigate, gather information, research, analyze, evaluate and create “thought provokingly artistic writing" for :
you could become super rich and high class over time through my competencies
(ADVERTISEMENT + EDITORIAL) - an advertisement concealed like an article written by an editorial journalist) is a specific print or electronic advertising format where you pay to deliver information about you and your work with images to your target audience who through reading these advertorial articles become devoted followers and do exactly what the advertorial article tells them to do.
?An advertising supplement is a special section of a newspaper or a magazine comprised of a number of pages that are highly visually appealing and it is a preprinted section which is later inserted during the printing process of a publication. It contains specialized information about a specific topic. It is an unusual technique to raise awareness about issues and events and for increasing sales of products and services through creative and topical articles that get your organization found by your desired audience leading to repeat customers and celebrity status over time.
is an online presentation of the print version of a newspaper with articles, photographs, news and features positioned exactly as in a print version newspaper and linked to highest worldwide page view??news websites with lively content, relevant images and videos easy to understand and could easily???lead to concrete action through distribution to the right audiences at the right time in the right platform and effectively display an organizations strength and market its expertise and further strengthen its grips in markets worldwide.
* Blogs?* Corporate Profiles??* Social Media Postings???* Proposals & ????Presentations?* Newsletters??* Brochures??* Website Content Development
?* Sales Letters??* Direct Mail Content
Hiring Contract
This contract is made between CLIENT which conducts business at {Client Address}and Jai Sunthush Abeyewardene hereinafter referred to as jsaCONTRACTOR hired to serve a CLIENT and such Contract to become effective as of the {date} of {month} {year}.
CLIENT agree that this Contract shall begin on a date agreed upon by parties and continue until the project is completed. Contract period will be for 6 months, 12 months, 30 months, 60 months.
CLIENT agrees to pay jsaCONTRACTOR a prior discussed and pre agreed cost for content creation work + production expenses related to any print or web media work. In the case of Advertorial Articles, Advertising Supplements and Customized Web Newspapers, Client agrees to pay advertising space cost of a publication with Value Added Tax in addition to content creation and production expenses of a web or print media job.
CLIENT agree that jsaCONTRACTOR is an independent outworker and not an employee of the CLIENT and therefore agree that jsaCONTRACTOR will be responsible for reporting his own income to the appropriate authorities.
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