Hipsterville 2013
Gern f. Vlchek
Front guy The Vlcheks, Author, Retired Bartender, Truck Driver, Show Promoter, Music Producer, Adhawk
Day 34. The walls fall, shaking the foundation, the neighborhood, the village. It's not from feats of superhuman strength, which this past week I did in fact display. I have leaped tall buildings in a single bound, I have found myself holding back locomotives, I have been faster than a speeding bullet, I have even decided to avoid perspiring and then not sweated. Yes, an abundance of talents both human and supernatural I have displayed, but it is not this that brought down the mighty tower. It's not immortality that has razed the edifice to its foundation, no... Bad contracting. I must now rely on the movement for help.
This excerpt brought to you by the good folks at thevlcheks.com a new video every Wednesday