Hipsterville 2013
Gern f. Vlchek
Front guy The Vlcheks, Author, Retired Bartender, Truck Driver, Show Promoter, Music Producer, Adhawk
Day 32. I find that by aggressively pressing the button which was recently installed in my ear, I can time travel. Standing on the corner of Rachel and Saint Hubert awaiting the changing of the light, I fiddle with the control mechanism on this apparatus that was to alleviate my need for nicotine. It was explained only after the fact that all true hipster classes are smoking electric cigarettes and, this being Canada, they contain no nicotine. So, as it was put, we are all being served this bitter gruel in order to stay ahead of the game. This notwithstanding, pressing the button has inexplicably taken me back to a 1940's era Montreal and the vibrancy of today has somehow turned sepia and become less encumbered by the ‘pistes cyclables’ of my usual reflection. In awe I look upward to view the neon sign offering ‘Verres Stérilisés’. I enter the gloom to see a roughshod bunch swilling quarts of ‘Laurentide’. Fiddling once again I am blasted out of brownish white to full color, the only details to change are the beer labels from ‘Laurentide’ to ‘Tremblay’. Fiddling again, back to ‘tide', I scan the room until I find the one man who disappears whilst I switch back to color. I pull up a seat beside this timed man and order "une gros cinquante". On its way from the fridge I find I can make its label go from ‘50’ to ‘Dow’ and if I squint and pull at my testicles it becomes a ‘Bud Light Lime.’
I pause to take in this new found reality, my new found technologies. Like a Yankee in King Arthur's Court I sit perched beside the gentlemen who disappears in the light of modern day. I immediately start an argument with him about the recent political scandals and the inquiries that will follow.
This excerpt has been brought to you by the good folks at thevlcheks.com a new video every Wednesday at noon.