Hipsterville 2013
Gern f. Vlchek
Front guy The Vlcheks, Author, Retired Bartender, Truck Driver, Show Promoter, Music Producer, Adhawk
Day 40. Living here in the heart of the Plateau, is to be living in the cradle of civilization in Montreal, nay Canada, nay North America. Yes truly, the corner of Marie-Anne and Brebeuf is that actual epicentre. Things work as they are meant to, as they were designed. 3-floor walkups, medium density housing mixed with commercial. Thin walls keeping one in muffled connection with one's neighbours. No air conditioning, just acclimitization. Difficult street parking discourages car ownership. Alleys provide service, recreation, and quiet inspiration. The only thing missing is the rumble of the trolley rolling down Mount Royal, I guess this sound had been replaced by the periodic mechanical clank of citizens returning their Bixis. Just shy of idyllic, on this street corner the week after they managed to fill the spring potholes. We have not strayed too far.
I hate Ikea.
This excerpt brought to you by the good folks at thevlcheks.com please follow the link to check out the last of their music videos from the project Up Against The Wall.
The Vlcheks Up Against The Wall