Hints for Connecting with the Non-Religious.
How would you explain Christian faith to a person who considers themselves “Spiritual but not Religious”?
What opportunities may be opened up if we engage with people from differing perspectives?? How can story, reflection and silence be utilised for heightened engagement?
Rev Joan Wright-Howie has explored these questions within her ministries and has lots to say that is worth listening to.? I thought you would enjoy listening in to our conversation as well.
Here is the link to watch and share:-
In this video colleague Rev Joan Wright-Howie shares a story of her own spiritual encounter and how that formed the basis for a room full of people to connect with their own spirituality.
My prayer is that these insights give you pointers and confidence in your relationships with those outside the Christian Community and can be utilised within your own practices as you seek to help point people to fullness of life.