Hindsight is 2020: The Secret Sauce to a Great LinkedIn Profile is YOU
It’s a new year which means it’s time for new resolutions, loftier goals, and crazy ideas, right? While this may be right for some of you, I would ask you to reframe and see the New Year as less about creating a new you, and more about communicating the incredible human you are.
And what better place to do that than the world’s largest professional network – LinkedIn? With a community over 660 million people in over 200 countries and territories, you have a unique opportunity to tell your story, be discovered and be heard. Whether you’re looking for your next endeavor, taking your career to the next level, re-entering the workforce after a break, or simply starting out in your career, get ready to tell the story of you through your LinkedIn Profile.
As the leader of LinkedIn’s Rock Your Profile program, my goal is to educate employees, members, customers, and partners on how to connect to economic opportunity by creating a compelling LinkedIn profile. As the leader of this program, I want to share LinkedIn’s data to give you insight into what makes a great LinkedIn profile. My job is to unlock your story and all your potential through a truly differentiated LinkedIn profile.
In 2019 I authored a LinkedIn Learning Course on how to Rock Your Profile, and in 2020 I want to share a summary of key tips from the course to empower you. My hope is that you leap confidently into the New Year, better defining and owning your unique and differentiated story. Ready? Let’s leap together!
You Are the Magic Formula
Everyone asks me what the formula is for a great LinkedIn profile. And I always explain that there is no one magic formula. Everyone defines opportunity and their career journey differently, and there is no one linear path to get there. Your path is yours and must be forged and traveled by you independently. Your profile is all about you and your authentic voice and experience. So how do you tell this unique story? How can you showcase your brand? How do you break down what you do in terms others will understand and connect to?
Know Your Target Audience
A great first step is to define who your key audience is and craft a story focused on your contributions, your career journey, and the values that are important to you – all tailored to the right audience.
A Simple Intro Can Lead to BIG Opportunities
Did you know listing industry information leads to up to 9x more profile views and helps you get discovered up to 38x more in recruiter searches? Not to mention, adding something as simple as your location in your profile can help you get up to 19x more profile views. Talk about easy actions that can lead to immense outcomes.
Start small by updating your intro section and adding or refreshing your profile photo, a background photo, your headline (the one-liner that appears under your name), your location and your industry.
Dare to be Different – Lean Into the Beginning of Your Story with Summary
Many people ask me where they should invest their time when it comes to their LinkedIn Profiles. My answer is always “focus on the ‘about section’”, more commonly known as Summary. Why? Because this is the first section everyone will see, so you want it to stand out. It’s your opportunity to make a bold first impression and bring others into your story.
Explain how you’re different by showcasing your key skills, and how you want to impact, contribute, and add value. Remember to focus on what you do, why it matters, and your superpowers (i.e. key strengths that differentiate you). To really stand out, you can consider adding a personal mission statement or leadership purpose statement, so others can get to know the compass that guides you in your life and career.
Skip the Day-to-Day and Opt for Impact and Results. Your Profile is NOT a Resume
Yes, it’s great to paint a picture of what you do day-in and day-out in your role. But, what will really make your LinkedIn Profile sing is speaking to the impact you had, the change you created, the initiatives you led, or the results your day-to-day drove. Lead with the impact or result and then go into how you got there. Need inspiration? Here are a few examples that bring this concept to life.
Got Visuals?.. Pictures are Worth a Thousand Words and Then Some
This old saying actually holds some real weight. It’s one thing for you to tell people what you do for a living, but it’s quite another to bring what you do in the world to life. Add Rich Media to your Profile such as photos, videos, presentations, and websites that help showcase your accomplishments and bring your story to life. Not sure where to start? Your Summary and Work Experience sections can be great places for a little visual love.
Credibility is the Reigning Queen…or King
Credibility is essential when it comes to creating your story on LinkedIn. Why? Because what’s a story if no one can back up its claims? Enter the LinkedIn Recommendations section of your Profile. A recommendation is how your community can validate your professional story by writing about their experience working with you.
Request recommendations from a diverse group of people you’ve collaborated with who can speak to your specific work experience, your skills, and your major achievements. Asking executives or senior leaders for a recommendation? Consider ghost writing (writing a first draft) the recommendation for them as a starting point and let them edit to fit their voice and tone. This gives them a starting point, saves time, and helps narrow the focus.
Now you have everything at your fingertips to begin to create a great LinkedIn Profile that tells the story of you. Want to really rock your profile? Dive in and learn more here.
And remember, rather than re-inventing yourself this year, simply play up the already amazing individual YOU are by sharing your story on LinkedIn. I can’t wait to see what you create!
Photo credits: LinkedIn, Pixabay, Eyeem.com and Shutterstock
Corporate Soft Skills Trainer | Leadership & Communication Expert | Helping Organizations Build High-Performing Teams | Life Coach | Mentor | Personal Branding Consultant | Lecturer | Positive Psychotherapy Consultant
4 年Thank you very much for inspiration,now I know how to change my profile to make it unforgettable :)
Acteur??Expert : RSE??CDIO ?? Senior Information & Technology Management
4 年Lauren (Hipschman) Jolda you have hit the nail on the head, "be yourself" ??
connector | creator | innovator
4 年Andrew Jolda, this may be useful for your 2020 career goals!
[in]spiring Brands and Marketers to unlock Growth at Scale | Lead Enterprise Account Executive at LinkedIn
4 年Always on point - Happy new year Lauren (Hipschman) Jolda !!!
CHRO/Be present, stay conscious, act compassionately.
4 年Lauren, this is really powerful.? What I particularly like is that you encourage people to tell their story.? ?Your title is compelling and having watched the entire e-learning, what a gift to cull the essence and share it this way.? ?You are a great coach my friend.? Thank you.