Hind Rajab.
Jethro Ndhlovu
Owner of Ascendant Consulting: "Accepting everything, expecting nothing. This is true power.
So, Young. You Died Alone. Murdered. And for What?!
Only five years old—yet, on a hot dusty day, in a war zone, surrounded by the sounds of flying bombs, shrapnel, bullets and sniper fire, drones, rumbling tanks, and circling jets—Hind Rajab, lay injured, in the midst of massacred relatives, within the mangled remains of her uncle's bullet-riddled vehicle.
You see, this five-year-old and her family were in the process of fleeing a war zone, to seek and find shelter from the death raining down on them from all and sundry. For, wherever you looked, you were confronted by death and destruction. Life and living in this area, on this God-forsaken, disputed real estate, was a scarcity and a curse.
Welcome to desolation; to scorched earth; to the shadow and valley of death. Welcome to Gaza.
The people in the car with her, were all dead, brutalised beyond recognition.
In her terror and confusion and pain, still, little Hind had the presence of mind, to pick up a phone from the floor of the mangled car, and continue a call to the emergency services initiated by her now very dead, cousin.
“Hello”, the female dispatcher answered. Hind broke her heart to pieces when asked her name, she replied, Hind Rajab, that she was five, was injured on her hand, the back of one leg, and her back was painful.
Hind Rajab asked the dispatcher to “come get me. I want my mother. I am thirsty.”?
The dispatcher told her to be strong and to wait as an ambulance was being sent to help her.
Metres away from the wrecked car, the approaching ambulance, clearly marked with the colours and red crescent of an emergency, humanitarian medical care vehicle—the army targeted that ambulance with a bomb, killing the brave paramedics dispatched to rescue Hind Rajab.
I can only surmise that the Israeli Defence [Deranged] Forces (IDF), seeing that an ambulance had been dispatched to the wreckage, THOUGHT, “That can only mean one thing. There are 'animal' survivors in the wreck.”
And so, they, the IDF, did what the IDF has come to be well-known for: extrajudicial murder wrapped and dripping with impunity, questions later, or maybe, if you are “lucky,” a grudging attempt at a half-apology. “In any case, we ARE dealing with animals here in the Gaza Strip, are we not? Palestinians are beasts, after all, aren’t they?” They repeat—to each other—the mantra they have learnt, spewed, and been indoctrinated with from cradle to morgue.
Shortly after bombing the paramedics—to kingdom come and their ambulance to smithereens—with the demented glee of an anticipated slaughter, the IDF dispatched a tank to the wreck to ensure there were no survivors—and to ascertain that fact—the tank approached Hind Rajab, and the wrecked vehicle and opened fire—at point-blank range.
Hind Rajab was 5 years old. Poor, poor little Hind Rajab. She was alive alone in that wreckage of horrors, surrounded by dead loved ones, her guardians, her family, her life—she was scared and dying alone. Five years old! And she died alone!
No one deserves to die alone. Least of all, a child of five. Shot to death! What have we become?!
Because anyone—according to the warped logic of the IDF, that most moral and sacred army on this planet called Earth—who remains in a war-zone after evacuation orders have “graciously” and with “benevolence” been given, MUST be a hostile, dangerous, and terrorist combatant. Why else would they linger on, injured, dead or not?
Hind Rajab, was 5 five years old. A hostile, dangerous terrorist combatant?! I guess the IDF did well to make sure, Hind Rajab, five though she was, that she didn’t get to test out her terrorist skills on them that day, or any other day, for that matter.
Hind Rajab, and the two paramedics were targeted and summarily executed.
Those two men, the brave paramedics were named:
And they were EXECUTED. Full stop. For attempting to do their job, and save an injured little five-year-old Palestinian girl.
Terrorists or not. Combatant or not. Dangerous or not. What does THAT matter, to this “moral, God-ordained” war-machine? Casualties of war, collateral damage, that’s all, and all that. Onto the next massacre, “in the name of the God of our forefathers.”
There is a recording of that terrible, forlorn, helpless, and surreal call, and the conversation between Hind Rajab and the dispatcher. I have heard it. Millions of people around the globe have listened to her cry for help.
It is soul-rending.
That means, the following—people of power—have ALL heard it:
1. Joe Biden, the Sitting United States President of America: leader, grow a moral backbone, sir;
2. Keir Starmer, Sitting Prime Minister of the United Kingdom: blind follower, minion without qualms; principals and law degree, out the window;
3. Emmanuel Macron, Sitting President of France: clueless, vacillating, double-tongued and therefore dangerously ‘un-loyal’ to anything;
4. Olaf Scholz, the Sitting Chancellor of Germany: you of all people should know, that this no-holds-barred, full-throttle, guns-blazing solidarity for Netanyahu’s Israel, and the extremist Zionist Jews, will not blot out your nation’s history, nor its shame, for the world remembers, still;?
5. Justin Trudeau, Sitting President of Canada: of all the nations of promise, YOUR weakness, and two-faced-ness, has disappointed me the most, one of the most egalitarian places, I thought I knew that ever existed on this planet. Yet, far from it. Shameful.
And you, the Russians; Arabs; Japanese; how dare you adopt a “picture, no sound”, stance? What cowardice is this? Shame on you too!
All those who are aiding and abetting Netanyahu’s atrocities are complicit—but especially those five—having listened to that little, innocent, girl plead for her life,
They stand aloof, justifying the unjustifiable. Their evil puts Satan to shame!
So, my questions—the questions the whole world SHOULD—with MORAL outrage and indignation—be asking them, are:
“What will it take to stir your souls, and touch your hearts, for you to be moved by your human emotions of empathy and compassion?”
“What will it take, in the name of decency, for you to finally, bolster your moral weaknesses, pluck up your courage, and stop Benjamin Netanyahu?”
In any case, as for me—Benjamin Netanyahu—I have given up on you. I have prayed for your soul, but it is too late. Benjamin Netanyahu, your soul has been fully claimed by Satan. You now personify EVIL, and you have become the face of HELL—the entrance to eternal damnation—which I now fully believe, was created with your name at its gates.
But for you, the five, there IS still hope for your immortal souls. Do the right thing. I beg you. The whole world begs you.
Aristotle—seemingly peering through time to our age—wrote, “At his best, man is the noblest of all animals; separated from law and justice he is the worst.”
Please, prove to us—as the world watches YOU with collectively bated breath—that “you are not the worst of animals.”
You who have refused to defer to the International Criminal Court’s (ICC) arrest warrant for Benjamin Netanyahu, that is well and good—the world now knows you don’t practice what you preach—so, I beseech you, listen to and try heed what that most noble of humans, Mahatma Gandhi said:
“There is a higher court than courts of justice, and that is the court of conscience. It supersedes all other courts.”
If that human conscience still throbs within your hearts and souls,
We—on our knees—we plead, PLEASE defer to THAT Court!
For the sake of Hind Rajab, and tens of thousands like her—we in our billions—we beg you.?? ?
Why focus on Hind’s story? Because this is the second time, I have written about Hind. So Why?
Because no one, not the unhinged IDF, not the shameless US Spokespersons, nor the unprofessional Western Media, can spin her story as anti-Semitism, Jew-hate barbarism. Hind died pleading only for someone to come get her, for her mother, and water to drink. And they butchered her for it!
She was not anti-Semite, not a Jew-Hater, not a terrorist, not a combatant. Just a five-year-old, little girl, tag-teamed TO DEATH, by the so-called “most benevolent, moral, God’s Only Chosen army on Earth, Netanyahu’s Israeli Deranged Forces.”
5 year old Hind Rajab. Rest in peace, sweet, innocent, little Palestinian angel. The world, we see you, and we acknowledge you as human too. It’s just too little, too late for you, baby girl!
But your dear mother cries for you every single day!
But it is yet, not yet, too late for those who remain!
With storytelling licence, here and there, and a touch of embellishment, now and then, I have also left out so much of Hind Rajab’s story, for example—how many months it’s been since she was butchered, and that the investigation by the IDF was a mere farce—in the hope that people will be curious enough, and take the time to search for it, and read it for themselves, in greater detail. That is the only way I know how to get you concerned—if you aren’t yet so—in one of the greatest, low-points of human ‘animalism’, and inconceivably one of the most debased, man-made tragedies to ever darken our collective human-door-step.
An indelible stain.
On a very personal note:
“To say the story of Hind Rajab—and tens of thousands more, many still untold, some, never to be told—has nauseated, sickened, shamed, shocked, and terrified me, would be the understatement of the century. It is in moments like these, that I feel a deep humiliation to be called human.”
Last night, I fell asleep, and I dreamt a dream. A Genie asked me, ”Jethro, make your 3 wishes, what will they be?”
And I, without hesitation responded:
1. That God be the ultimate Judge in the life of each one of us, to face our just recompense. That His Judgment Day will really happen.
2. That hell, be a literal, eternal, burning inferno, awaiting every evil, wicked soul.
3. That I be able to stand and witness—seeing Hind Rajab and the hundreds of thousands of slaughtered innocents—watch Benjamin Netanyahu being cast into that eternal lake of fire, while God turns his head away from him. And the condemnation is final and eternal.
I awoke, and as the dream faded, I realised evil was yet, still living among us.