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Uttarakhand is all set to enter the Unlock Phase-1 of the lockdown across 13 districts but with reasonable relaxations in certain districts which are either in Orange (11 out of 13), 1 Green (Udham Singh Nagar) and 1 in Red (Nainital). The COVID-19 pandemic has claimed many of lives, making it necessary to continue with statewide restrictions to curb the spread of the virus.


Schools closed early with the Covid-19 outbreak. School closures have presented a huge challenge to both children and their parents. They are also become a huge concern for Himmotthan recently launched ‘Education and Sports Initiative’ and barely six months old ‘Library and Early Literacy Intervention’’ for many reasons, not least because months out of school risk setting back children’s learning and development. This is particularly concerning for children from disadvantaged backgrounds, who already achieve less well on average than their better-off classmates.

In this scenario Himmotthan has made sure that survival of children along with helping them to keep pace with their learning should be given utmost priority. As schools are expected to remain closed for a longer period in lieu of Corona virus outbreak, Himmotthan an Initiative of Tata Trusts has designed an alternative online calendar/schedule for children, parents and Govt. School Teachers to deal with the unprecedented situation arising out of lock down. Since 23rd March, 2020 Himmotthan has engaged about 4,500 students and 350 Government School teachers in 6 districts of Uttarakhand every day meaningfully so that they don’t suffer from anxiety for staying indoors for long. Himmotthan has put emphasis on Early Literacy and Numeracy during this lock down through phone calls, what’s app, you tube pages and Facebook etc.

The purpose of opting for Early Language Literacy and Numeracy is to fulfill Himmotthan project objectives as well as mapping the learning outcomes of children during this lock down. This has been done in a variety of ways by sharing audio-video stories, poetries, asking questions, encouraging interaction, organizing another activity of a similar kind like ‘’Aao Kahani Sunaye’’, ‘’Aao Kavita Sunaye’’ and Painting competitions to express their feelings during Covid 19. Himmotthan have also encouraged children for reading books during this lock down. Himmotthan believes it's the best of practices a child can grow while staying indoor. Himmotthan have also made sure that If some of the child doesn't like to read by their own so parents can read to them.

Himmotthan with help from Implementing Support Agencies (ISA) and Govt. Machinery (SSA and ICDS) has advocated for the Dry Rations and Take Home Rations for the families of children studying in Primary Schools and Anganwadi. Himmotthan has also explore the ways to continue educating Project School children of Uttarakhand by opting for Online classes for school children. Initially when online classes begin, children find it difficult to attend due to poor connectivity issues and lesser number of smart phones in households. Seeing these technological issues Himmotthan team come up with the idea of forming many What’s app groups, Himmotthan Education Facebook Page and putting small videos on Himmotthan Education You Tube Channel which are easier to access. Himmotthan team has recorded the Early Literacy activities (Hindi, English and Math’s) and Physical Literacy lessons initially during Lock down 1.0, to 4.0 and send it to different groups, so they can hear it at their own ease. Along with the regular activities for children, Himmotthan Education and Sports team are carrying out different activities to keep the children’s spirits up during these tough times. The activities include story, poetry, painting competitions, physical literacy session with emphasis on warm ups and agility, Math’s puzzles, etc. Himmotthan has also introduced a weekly calendar ‘’Himmotthan Darpan’’ for better programing and transparency towards e-learning. Himmotthan has also engaged the community during this lock- down at a larger level through parents, Self-Help Groups and its Federations.

Till date Himmotthan has got wonderful feedback and support from Govt. School Teachers, parents as well as Govt. Education Officials for its efforts on continuing educational activities amid Corona crisis.

Himmotthan hopes that once the lock down is over, Schools will be armed with necessary remedial measures to help mountain children get back on the road to a truly happy, healthy, creative and safe childhood.

Manish K Jha


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