HIMJ Volume 52, No. 3 (September 2023)

HIMJ Volume 52, No. 3 (September 2023)

The September issue of #HIMJ is now available online, with a wide variety of HIM topics including: state-wide data source comparisons; identifying causes for clinical coding problems; the stability of government health information assets for secondary use in research; patient data linkage for assessing effects of Long-COVID; assessment of online information about knee osteoarthritis; views on genetic test results in networked EMRs; post EHR implementation challenges in southern Ghana; an evaluation of Australian and New Zealand dialysis and transplant registry data quality; and the impact of ICD-11 on coding accuracy.

Family violence homicide rates: a state-wide comparison of three data sources in Victoria, Australia

Reena Sarkar,?Joanna F Dipnall,?Richard Bassed, and?Joan Ozanne-Smith AO

Identification of root causes of clinical coding problems in Iranian hospitals

Mohamad Jebraeily,?Jebraeil Farzi,?Shahla Fozoonkhah, and?Abbas Sheikhtaheri

Development and implementation of an institutional enhanced recovery program data process

Mohamed A Seif,?Brittany C Kruse,?Cameron A Keramati,?Thomas A Aloia,?Ruth A Amaku,?Shreyas Bhavsar,?Kenneth R DeCarlo,?Rose Joan D Erfe,?Jarrod S Eska,?Maria D Iniesta,?Laura R Prakash,?Tao Zhang, and?Vijaya Gottumukkala

The suitability of government health information assets for secondary use in research: A fit-for-purpose analysis

Merilyn Riley,?Kerin Robinson,?Monique F Kilkenny, and?Sandra G Leggat

Use of linked patient data to assess the effect of Long-COVID on system-wide healthcare utilisation

Ben J Murch,?Sarah E Hollier,?Charlie Kenward, and?Richard M Wood

Costs of acute hospitalisation for stroke and transient ischaemic attack in Australia

Joosup Kim,?Rohan Grimley,?Monique F Kilkenny,?Greg Cadigan,?Trisha Johnston,?Nadine E Andrew,?Amanda G Thrift,?Natasha A Lannin,?Vijaya Sundararajan, and?Dominique A Cadilhac

Comprehensiveness, accuracy, quality, credibility, and readability of online information about knee osteoarthritis

Anthony J Goff,?Christian J Barton,?Mark Merolli,?Andre Shi Zhang Quah,?Caleb Ki-Cheong Hoe, and?Danilo De Oliveira Silva

Recording our genes: Stakeholder views on genetic test results in networked electronic medical records

Megan Prictor?and?Maria Rychkova

Electronic health records post-implementation challenges in selected hospitals: A qualitative study in the Central Region of southern Ghana

Nathan K Mensah,?Richard O Boadu,?Godwin Adzakpah,?Obed U Lasim,?Ruth D Amuakwa,?Hannah B Taylor-Abdulai, and?Samuel T Chatio

Evaluating data quality in the Australian and New Zealand dialysis and transplant registry using administrative hospital admission datasets and data-linkage

Dharmenaan Palamuthusingam,?Elaine M Pascoe,?Carmel M Hawley,?David W Johnson,?Gishan Ratnayake,?Stephen McDonald,?Neil Boudville,?Matthew Jose, and?Magid Fahim

Impact of the ICD-11 on the accuracy of clinical coding in Korea

Hyunkyung Lee?and?Sukil Kim


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