Hillier's Headlines
My weekly light hearted roundup of industry news and what’s happening here at People Group.
After a week of plenty of rain it looks like we’re in for some serious heat this week. And now the grass is definitely looking greener, literally and metaphorically!
As I’m slightly behind this week it seemed a good idea to wait for the latest update on easing of lockdown, so here are the latest changes announced in the past few hours:
- From 4 July the 2m distancing rule will be changed, and people should stay "one-metre plus" where a distance of 2m is not possible
- Two households of any size will be able to meet in any setting inside or out. This does not have to be the same set of households - but the government does not recommend meetings of multiple households indoors because of the risk of infection
- Outdoors, people can meet in groups of up to six - but two households can meet regardless of size
- Restaurants and pubs can reopen. All hospitality indoors will be limited to table service and with minimal staff and customer contact. Customers will also have to give contact details when they enter
- Holiday accommodation - including hotels, B&Bs, cottages, campsites and caravan parks can reopen
- Indoor venues allowed to reopen include libraries, community centres, museums and galleries, amusement arcades and cinemas
- More outdoor spaces will open if they can do so safely, including outdoor gyms and children's playgrounds
- Hairdressers will be able to reopen, as long as they take precautions. Other close-contact services such as nail bars will not yet open, but the prime minister said they would be able to open "as soon as we're confident they can operate safely"
- Nightclubs and casinos remain closed, along with bowling alleys, spas, swimming pools and indoor soft play centres
Lockdown is easing, and the relaxing of the 2 metre rule will make ‘opening up’ viable for many UK businesses. It’s great news, but we all must stay alert and do things a little differently as we get back to business.
Industry Updates
It’s like Brexit all over again, the same topic on repeat night and day! But what I will say, aside from the lockdown easing, I am hearing plenty of positive updates within the industry on most fronts.
As I’ve mentioned over the past few weeks, the CJRS scheme is changing with a gradual tailing off of the scheme and more flexibility in place for part time returnees from 01 July. However, there are still some big questions unanswered relating to CJRS over the school summer break.
Last Wednesday the question was raised in parliament as to whether agency supply teachers will be eligible for the CJRS during the school summer holiday period? Two days later the response from the financial secretary to the treasury Jesse Norman MP was “Agency supply teachers are eligible for the CJRS during the school summer holiday period where they are otherwise eligible for the scheme.”
While it is good the issue has been raised (and continues to be), it doesn’t actually change the situation in that eligibility for this period is still not clear. We are privy to a copy of a letter from the NEU (National Education Union) to the chancellor Rishi Sunak which asks for clarification. It also discusses the 39 week Vs 52 week calculations. View our recent CJRS update post where you’ll find a link to the letter for more detail.
Around the home office
Latest insights
If you haven’t had the chance to read our latest insights, you’ll find links to both below. A couple of great articles looking at back to work and ways that recruiters may want to think differently. We’re working on a new insight which we’re planning on having ready for next week. Titled ‘Your Dream Board’ we explore the common messages for recruitment from some of the industry’s leading lights. Look out for it, but in the meantime take a look at these:
Three ways recruiters should think differently
Stay up-to-date with all our current news and updates by either signing up or checking in to our news and insights page regularly.
In the actual office!
I have been in to our office a few times since lockdown, but last week when I popped in I did notice a few new characters dotted around. OK, so I have been increasing the Star Wars collection! The latest is a life sized Chewbacca who almost touches the ceiling and a rolling beeping full scale R2D2 which should entertain staff when they get back in to the office.
People Group Staff
With regards to any staff coming back, our signage is now in place and the offices are equipped for some staff to return while minimising any potential risks. Whilst we are all eager to see more normality, we must do it the right way. We've got Chewbacca on hand to challenge anyone not adhering to the rules, not that we think he'll be needed!
I'm sure there’ll be numerous updates next week but in the meantime, stay well, get some sunshine but don’t forget the cream!
Terry Hillier, CEO People Group Services.