Hill was also "Napoleon"
RIP legend, you have contributed to the name #Napoleon. Many people question me where that name comes from and what it means anytime people ask me of my father's name.
"It still feels he has gone to work because it seems very hard to believe that today will be the last day we are seeing him. He leaves home every morning and returns in the evening. Even if nothing was to be learnt from his life his zeal towards his work can never be neglected.
Despite his flaws to which each of us here is entitled, he was, infact he is (because he still lives) a very good father in any ways. He loved God, his family and everyone around him.?
Sometimes he used to ask us all what we would like to do in the future, after listening to each of us, although he is not God but because he wanted us to know how zealous he was, he would say, "even if it's left with my last penny, I would help you get to where you want to." And he demonstrated it although he could not complete what he had started. Whenever his family needs his support, he never hesitated to be there in his full capacity to assist in any form.
Mates and friends knew us to lavish people, all because he worked for our happiness not that we were rich.
Although, life may change its path in our lives because we will not be able to witness his presence but this time around feel it, we are assured nothing changes because he left us with the Father in heaven.
Until we meet again, it is our prayer the good and merciful Lord keeps him.
Rest well Napoleon."
This was the tribute written by his children to their Napoleon. How did you react upon reading?
Napoleon, you know how left and what you left behind before your departure. If it is God willing to take you, we are good because he is "all-knowing God". He knows what is best for us but if it's otherwise then I think you should find your way as you are used to, to come and complete your mission in our lives.