Hikikomori goes global, then good to know that you can go out again!

Hikikomori goes global, then good to know that you can go out again!

Brief summary

Hikikomori phenomenon or syndrome, sometimes called as social withdrawal is a state when a person shuts down himself in his room and not go out.?

Definition in Japan from which the origin of this word comes is that this form of sever isolation continues more than 6 months, then recognised as Hikikomori.

Impairments, disabilities, disorders, social phobia, many descriptions are introduced and Hikikomori can be a prodromal phase of serious mental illness.??

How are European countries with Hikikomori?

It's not difficult to find studies or news.

UK is well known as a country with NEET - Young people not in education, employment or training.

But expert onions differ. Some accept the state of Hikikomori and others no.

This is Europe.

Identical symptoms are recognized, but the method "how to describe them and give diagnostic" is not unified.?

Hikikomori syndrom is a global social problem, concretely;?

?Feeling worthless (as a trigger)

- Stop going to school or work (then quit all activities)

- Stop seeing with friends

- Stop seeing with family members

- Playing game or using smart phons, ets. almost forever?

(Then feeling anxious without them or getting angry if someone interrupt activities.)

Some common causes or reasons for Hikikomori??

- Problems in a family

- Pressure from the society ("be a challenger",?"you can do it" pressure for better social status.)

- Failure in milestones (Entrance exams, competitions of personal activities.)

- Conflicts with others (At school, personal activities, at work.)?

How is in Czechia?

So, this article is just an introduction of my activities and a planned seminar about Hikikomori.

Then "introducing problems" doesn't attract anyone, I know??

"Possible to recover again, then how??"

"How to get rid of this state?"

"What other family members should/can do (if any)?"

Many possibilities and experiences.

I will host a colleague who will talk his own experiences "how".

- The most terrible poverty is loneliness and the feeling of being unloved. - 

Mother Teresa

Let me modify the quote to meet in modern world. Be more realistic.

"If you are not economically poor but feel lonely, you just don't know the way how to change/get rid of/escape... Don't be ashamed of yourself, then contacts experts.?

And if you are economically poor and feel lonely, your 1st step is visiting authorities or NGO in your district.? You just don't know and don't believe that someone can help."?

This time, I got this offer out of LinkedIn connection, but believe, visualizing yourself as a professional is always beneficial.

Just a bit effect, then people easily find your services!?

"Magnificent", a name of my friend ??

A former successful horse in races, but former owner(s) didn't treat him in proper ways.

It always takes time "to be normal' again like other, but it's possible.?

Anyway, this is not the first time.?

Almost all horses which were bought or donated for riding schools for non-professional (hobby) clients like me were ill-treated in the past as racing horses.

"You can do it" pressure, physically or mentally in professional sports is the same against men or animals.

I talked a lot with owners on this theme.

But don't worry. Angels took care of him.

How cure braided mane he has!

Czech basic-school girls in a riding course love him and treat him well.

Yeah, being loved and treated well should be the fundamental condition for being and living with dignity.

A basic concept should be the same at workplace.

If not??

High time to think of taking an action.?

Change a job or discuss internally or bringing external experts.

Experiences and case studies which I can share are available only at paid seminars.

NG: I forgot all my horse riding clothes incl. boots. So, maybe not bad to say "I can do it!", but I'm the one who say "Whatever, I don't mind, then you ???"

Answer is on pictures??

Vino? Franti?ek Havlí?ek HR TRCZ japonka japonsko Namiko Sakamoto prague writer 阪本 なみ子



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