Watching Claire Byrne this evening I felt the glow and satisfaction which only truly good news can bring. I am not talking about the quality of the Health debate but about the clear evidence that God, and Saint Michael Archangel who once slew the Devil, were both hard at work in Heaven and that Premier Leo and the Fine Gael National Abortionist Party were sliding surely but slowly downwards in the opinion polls on Earth. There is an old saying “Every blaspheming atheist and child-murderer has his day”. All the opinion polls, even the Oracle at Delphi, were very promising in that respect! In important criminal cases the convictions of the suspects and their accomplices are very frequently accelerated when the lead villains hypocritically pretend that they had no involvement in or knew nothing whatever about the case. This nauseating hypocrisy is as often as not punctured and ripped apart when the nature and extent of the police work in a case becomes the subject of public scrutiny in the media. The most famous example of this principle is the collapse of Al Capone’s claim to innocence even as Elliot Ness’ perused his tax-returns. It has always been a fundamental rule in politics that the Premier and his Justice Minister should not seek to make complete fools of the Civic Guards. Whatever commentators may say the Civic Guards have a genuine truly sincere vocation and commitment to protecting and defending Ireland, its people, its families and its children. My family learned this a great many years ago. My uncle Seamus, only seven years of age, went missing in the Dublin mountains, not very far from a fast-flowing river. The Boys in Blue, like the Prophets of the Old Testament, moved Heaven and earth and did not rest until they had found the little boy and brought him home safely to his exceedingly anxious mummy and daddy and his two adoring sisters. I have no doubt that the vocation, devotion and intelligent determination which enabled the Civic Guards to rescue my beloved Uncle Seamus all those years ago are still alive active flowering and blooming in the hearts, spirit and work of the present Members of the Force. I can therefore say, with Biblical certainty, that each and every guard serving in Drogheda, and indeed throughout the whole of Ireland, will have grieved most sincerely and being utterly horrified on account of the terrible and most murder which led to Keane's death at the hands of inhumane murderers, butchers, sadists and terrorists. Every Guard will have shared in the unspeakable grief and sorrow which Keane’s death has caused and will continue to cause Keane’s mum, dad, family, schoolmates and friends. I can say with equal certainty that neither the guards in Drogheda nor any other guard, or indeed voter, in the whole of Ireland will have been amused or impressed by the sickening efforts of the Premier and his Government to obstruct, hamper and hinder the Guards in their investigation into Keane’s murder and their hunt for his killers. There is no possible justification or any excuse whatever for the Commissioner of the Civic Guards, Commissioner Drew Harris, not taking immediate personal responsibility and charge of the investigation into this terrible case, something which the Constitution and the Law require the Commissioner to do, nor indeed can there ever be any reason why Commissioner Harris should not stick with and remain in charge of this case until the very end, that is to say until Keane’s killers had been arrested, prosecuted, tried, convicted and sent to jail for the rest of their natural lives. Keane was only 17, a mere child really, and he deserved all the protection which the Irish State can and could afford him. In death, he deserves the most extreme and absolute respect but Keane and his family also deserve Justice. That justice will never be achieved if the officers from Drogheda who are working as hard as they can, with the very limited resources at their disposal, to solve this terrible murder are instructed by the Head of Government and by his security Minister not to pursue and apprehend the hardened killers involved in this case as soon and as quickly as possible, but to concentrate their efforts instead on collecting and checking social media messages on as many mobile phones as they can possibly find. Even the wildest of Wild Geese would not go so far as dignify this strategy with the designation or appellation of “Wild Goose Chase!”. Of course, the very strategically-minded Civic guards know precisely why this extraordinarily unhelpful instruction issued from the highest reaches of the Irish Government. It is not and it has never been either a Constitutional or a legal requirement to be a Christian to become a Member of the Civic Guards but most guards, I would even go as far as to say all Guards, live their faith and honour, respect and serve their God and Ireland through the extremely brave, painstaking, generous, valiant and heroic work which they undertake day in day out to keep the community, including all fathers, mothers and children safe and in a position to enjoy all the wonderful things that life can bring or has to offer. Theirs is as more a life of action and service than a life of contemplation spent engaged in long hours of prayer by day or by night. But I need hardly say or tell you that our Civic Guards know and fully respect the History, the Message and the Spirit that is written, conveyed and taught in and through the Most Holy Gospels. The Guards therefore know as well as, if not better, than any other group in the community, that the sacrifice which Jesus Christ made on the Cross of Calvary on Good Friday was never meant to be used, nor indeed could it ever be meant to be used, as a terroristic rallying cry for mass murderers and terrorists or as a pathetic legal fig-leaf to enable the most hardened criminals and assassins to escape Justice under the pretence that they are in fact or allegedly advocates, apostles or practitioners of Peace. The personal assessment and judgment of the Civic Guards in relation to the Good Friday arrangements is rendered sharper and more acute by their sorrow in and anger at their knowledge that terrorists, murderers and so-called apostles of the Peace Process have killed, slaughtered and shot dead a very large number of their friends and colleagues, either shooting them repeatedly in the back or putting a bullet in their neck. The Guards of course know, as indeed does the Irish Army, and anybody else who cares to think about the situation for even five minutes, that the so-called Good Friday Agreement is a total sham. The Belfast Treaty (to give it the name favoured in official memoranda) is not an international or inter-governmental agreement, it is a highly illegal collaborative collusive arrangement struck between a murderous Catholic paramilitary organisation and an equally murderous Protestant paramilitary organisation. These agreements and agreements like them have been outlawed under international law and prohibited and banned by the international community for centuries. As the porcine and abortionist British Prime Minister Lord Johnson of Boris pointed out on television only today “Proxy wars never come to an end until the powers who are fuelling and stoking the proxy wars decide and determine that it is in their interest and to their benefit that they should do so”. Regrettably, it must be said, that for different but equally reprehensible reasons, “the powers fuelling and stoking the proxy wars” in this case are the United Kingdom, Ireland, and twenty-seven European Union states, which in practice means Nazi Germany and, to a troubling but lesser extent, collaborationist France. The Good Friday arrangements are not the only political, economic, or essentially military instruments which influence and affect relations between Ireland, the United Kingdom and the European powers. But the Good Friday arrangements have assumed an extraordinarily dangerous and overpoweringly toxic influence and hold on the lives of a great many people and businesses who live and work on both sides of the Border, in its immediate vicinity and sometimes much further afield. Driven by murderous minds, the Good Friday arrangements have led to the establishment, creation and development of a very profitable if totally illegal and unlawful niche, founded on and grounded in the enormous murderous capacity and potential for blackmail and the deadly explosive capacity of the terrorist paramilitaries who operate and terrify ordinary decent people on either side of the international frontier and sovereign border. The primary purpose or, to be more accurate, the sole purpose of the Good Friday arrangements has always been and still is to remove and prevent inspection by the Irish and British authorities of all defence, security and customs arrangements on both sides of the Border with a view to creating, establishing and maintaining what literally amounts to and constitutes a real Highway for terrorism and for terrorists which allows the paramilitary warlords to drive their carriages of death laden with guns, narcotics and ladies of the night, drawn by four horses, ridden and controlled by the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. The carriage from Hell, unhindered, unencumbered and unpoliced will thus be afforded speedy safe passage through sovereign check-points, abandoned border-posts, decomissioned fortifications and defences from long ago, which had originally been established, erected and fortified as necessary, but vital precautions, based not just on simple common sense, but also grounded in military strategic planning and thinking which indicated and dictated that these defences in, around and along the border were essential, necessary and indispensable to defend, protect and safeguard ordinary people, their families, their homes and their property from the unwanted attentions of prowling, murderous, ruthless, hostile, deadly assassins, smugglers and terrorist paramilitaries. It was along this Highway for terrorism that Keane's inhumane sadistic killers had travelled southwards to Drogheda, in the centre of the constituency of Gerry of Saint-Adams, and one of the principal regional centres and headquarters of Provisional Sinn Fein (the political wing of the Provisional IRA). It was there that the Provisionals assassins (all of them parties to and beneficiaries of the so-called Good Friday Agreement and its much vaunted Peace Process) had murdered, dismembered and decapitated poor Keane. There is no point in asking why the inhuman sadistic terrorists killed and butchered Keane because there is no explanation of any kind, good, bad or indifferent, which can explain or justify what the terrorists did to the boy. The Civic Guards know this very well and ever since the boy's murder, the Guards have been straining at the leash to pursue and hunt down the Satanic murderers. But the hands of the Civic Guards have been tied and their resources stymied in an illegal and grotesque effort to make it impossible for the forces of the state and of justice to pursue and capture all those responsible for the atrocity and to prosecute them before the Courts so that they might experience the Justice which they had so brutally and horribly denied the young boy. There is an old saying in politics “The buck stops here!” In this case the responsibility is not just a political one, it is an absolutely inescapable lawful, legal and moral obligation under the Constitution of Ireland and the criminal Law of Ireland. Fine Gael, the party which colludes with terrorists, Fine Gael the party which causes girls, women and mothers to die of cervical cancer, Fine Gael the party which prides itself on murdering unborn infants in their mothers’ womb, Fine Gael the ultimate amoral party may not like it but in this case, in the case of the murdering and butchering of young Keane, the buck stops with Premier Leo, the party's supreme abortionist, and Minister for Justice Charles, principal defender of the Black-and-Tans. (In fairness to minister Charles, he has some way to go before catching up with and outstripping his father whose lavish praise of Adolf Hitler’s anti-Semitism is recorded in some detail in the official records of the Irish Parliament) To put it as politely as I can, Leo and Charlie have some very searching and serious questions to answer. Irish voters will answer these questions at the election on 8th February, Leo and Charlie can by no means be confident as to the outcome!
Maurice James, Barrister at Law, United Nations (1373) Counter-Terrorism Counsel