The highs and lows of freelance
Friday 7/26/19...
Holy shit - I did not think I would make it! I've woken up at 6am for the past 6 days to work the first 5 hours of the day, all while on vacation. That's pretty awesome considering it hasn't felt like I was at work one bit.
The beach sunrises have been a beautiful addition to my morning run, but I'll be glad to put my shoes on and have pavement back under my feet for next week. But more than anything, I'm looking forward to sleeping in a bit tomorrow morning.
It's sad that it's our last full day, but it will be nice to get home and experience a level of normalcy - at least for a few weeks. The summers are always a crazy time of year, so it's hard to build a solid rhythm.
So probably not the best time of year to go full-time freelance. But hey, you've just got to go with the flow and tackle the challenges that come your way head-on. I know I'll end up making more money later in the year, so it's okay to go through the motions for now.
If I can manage to squeeze a full work schedule into this vacation without missing out on much, I can do anything. And that's what it's all about - a positive mindset. An attitude and framework to set you up for success. It can be hard at times, but based on conversations I've had, almost everyone goes through it.
You need to remind yourself that there will always be highs and lows. This week for me is a pretty big mental high. So it's important I maintain my momentum when I'm back sitting at my desk. And for those days that I do find myself in a particularly gloomy mood, I need to remember that weeks like this are exactly why its worth it!
And when you reflect on the past, these are the moments you remember, So it's okay to be down, because when you accept that, you're already on your way back up : )
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This is an entry from my personal daily journal. I recently left the 9-5 to work for myself - something I've dreamed of for as long as I can remember. It's my hope that these posts inspire anyone looking to do the same or shed some light on what this journey is really like.
- Check out my first post for more: This is for you (but mostly for me)
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Thanks for reading!
- DM