Highly Recommended Multi-Purpose Chrome Extensions for Every User

Highly Recommended Multi-Purpose Chrome Extensions for Every User

In the past few years, I've been looking for a Chrome extension which solves multiple problems. Previously, I used three Extensions: first for the theme and wallpaper, second for todo and third for the time management.

I recently found the Flowtide Chrome Extension, which allows you to customize your browser's New Tab page. You don't need an extra browser extension to manage your theme, wallpaper, to-dos, and time management. Everything you can manage with an extension.

Flowtide extension has many helpful features:

  • Widget-based system for customizing tab page
  • Use it as a speed dial or a nightstand-style clock.
  • Listen to the relaxing soundscapes widget
  • Focus Widget with the Pomodoro technique
  • Beautiful background images, solid colours, and gradients.
  • Change the font, layout, theme, and more.
  • Show a Greeting message on every New Tab.

I used Flowtide Extension for two reasons: one, for a minimalist browser tab page, and second, to manage todo on the Chrome tab page.

Flowtide Extension

Previously, I used?any.do?to manage my daily to-do list, but now I can manage my to-do list inside Chrome. I do not need any third-party extension for managing daily tasks.


