Be Highly Creative thru Being Deliberately Messy
Subhashis Banerji
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Being messy [by nature and not through deliberate intentions] – is in many cases linked with geniuses and creative personalities.
Here in this article – we shall explore – what type of mess can propels our creative and innovative brain to a level to make these soft-skills Our Key Differentiators.
There are messy people – who are messy because they are careless and passive - This blog is not for the conventional slobs.
Those people who have passion and fire BUT are more logical than creative [and it hinders their finding different and disruptive answers and solutions] – would derive maximum value out of this.
27 Clarifications on What is healthy, Positive and Constructive Messiness
1. To be ahead of the crowd – we need a healthy amount of creativity as well as logic – if it is skewed heavily towards only either of logic or creativity – then our life might be filled with less-success, less-happiness, less-satisfaction etc.
2. Messiness catalyzes innovation and creativity – when it happens because we are stretching ourselves and stepping into the realm of unknown and uncertainty - while pursuing our larger-than-life goals.
3. Confusion and clarity both have their immutable role – in our grand successes* and accomplishments.
4. Confusion happens only in the areas of unknown, unpredictable, uncertainties and disruptive changes – all these are very relevant in present world's VUCA environment.
5. When we are very clear in whatever we are doing ALL THE TIME – it simply means that, we are operating within the comforts of our biggest comfort-zones*.
6. Being satisfied with status-quo – is a definite creativity and innovation killer.
7. Perfection is another attitude that limits the quality of results that we get.
8. Being organized, tidy, planned, systematic and structured – is essential during action-times.
9. Being very structured most of the time – usually makes us rigid, closed and un-flexible*.
10. Focusing on Excellence* and continuous improvement to create qualitative enhancement of the existing - stimulates innovation, creativity and disruptive transformations.
11. Being open to possibilities, changes, disruptions and un-thought-of and un-heard-of thoughts, ideas, solutions and answers – is what lead us to create a new paradigm.
12. Messy people are willing to challenge the conventional norm – that is why – the seems brilliant
13. Messy people also experiment with life like anything else they do
14. Teams [we are not referring to group of people – there is a distinct difference between Team and Group] of people with diverse traits and personalities unleashes creative-tension and dissonance promotes creative dissent - which in turn boosts creativity and innovation and is an antidote to the lame conformity, complacency, consensus, and herd-mindset.
15. The great leaders – always surround themselves with people who not only think and act differently from themselves – BUT – also have the courage to challenge the leaders.
16. Healthy Conflict of ideas and working together to accomplish the task and overcome the challenge together can lead to higher levels of performance excellence.
17. Human beings often take excessive antibiotics, but this also kills beneficial bacteria - mess and chaos in the body makes natural systems healthier and more resilient while boosting our immune system [under controlled supervision of experts].
18. Sometimes the mess produces something worth having – even if that was not what you were looking for – but proves to be of great value in other areas.
19. Many breakthrough innovations have happened through this type of messiness – if you can recall Viagra was invented when scientists were researching how to prevent certain heart ailments.
20. Life cannot be controlled because by definition all the Lives and Life is filled with many-many minor to major messes – AND - Success requires a willingness to cope with messy situations.
21. Off-course – our messiness – would make our friends, co-workers, spouse or family member exasperated and get on their nerves [and vice-versa]
22. Mess isn't necessarily the absence of order – in case of brilliant* people and geniuses* - the more important, urgent work tends to stay close by and near the top of the clutter
23. While the safely ignorable stuff tends to get buried to the bottom or near the back, which makes perfect sense.
24. The Creative Process Is Messy – can you paint a picture or Cook something exotic without making a mess
25. Productivity is about filling your time – whereas Creativity is about emptying your time.
26. Disordered spaces can encourage inventive thinking - Ordered spaces can encourage focus and logical thinking.
27. Messiness works because it is a form of self-created-chaos that makes things much more difficult for our brain than it needs to be - But this is precisely what forces it to come up with unique, innovative solutions which it otherwise would not bother to create.
On the other hand
1. Untidiness can be a negative thing - it may also be the best way to sift through and make sense of information-overload [which happens all the time and is inherently messy].
2. But Extremes of messiness and tidiness can be signs of underlying illness.
3. If your messiness upsets you and makes you guilty or depressed – then it is a problem – AND not a sign of creativity.
4. Then there are those people who are too tidy and unable to function unless their environment is pristine and germ-free. This too is an indication of some serious condition like Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
5. Sudden change from orderly to disorderly can be a symptom of something wrong emotionally, physically or psychologically like Depression.
6. If you are a slob – then you would also find direct relationship with sloppiness and mediocrity in your own life
Creative out-of-the-box thinking is essential for sparking new art, new ideas and new inventions. But once we have the spark, the flame has to be fanned – this can only be done by taking actions through logic.
Myth - Messy People Are Lazy
e The 20 Truths about Messy-n-Creative Geniuses
1. They Have Laser Focus*
2. They See the Bigger Picture*
3. Their priorities* are very clear
4. They are always focused on the most important things – the High-Payoff ones
5. The neglect, eliminate, minimize the less important
6. They put more energy on the crucial part – manage their energy* rather than time
7. They are comfortable with not having – what for them is not important
8. They are masters in finding the best and shortest route possible to their non-negotiable goals
9. They are adaptable
10. They are normally not concerned even if others think of them as Lazy
11. They don't get mired in the quagmire of information overload
12. They don't get distracted from their goals
13. They are masters of living in chaos and with disordered world
14. Their own messiness doesn't bother them
15. They are great problem-solvers*
16. They have a broad range of interests
17. They might be running many projects simultaneously
18. They can let go of things that does not fascinate them easily
19. They have learned the art of strategic procrastination*
20. They become master in the fineries of improvisation*
24 Habits to Messy - Deliberately
[All the *marked topics/words have detailed Do It Yourself Blog in the DIY Blog Section - From the Heart of Subhashis - in Success Unlimited Mantra website]. Please also read my other blogs in the same sections on creativity and different types of intelligence.
1. You look forward to break the status quo
2. You have your share of Fears* – but still go ahead with trying out newer ways
3. Doing everything – that you do daily – makes you bored*
4. You experiment a lot even in those tasks that may not have any other ways to do them
5. You are a action person
6. Failures* make you only think – what can you do differently
7. You have large goals*
8. You jiggle many different activities in your different aspects of life thought your day
9. You are spontaneous
10. You sometimes surprise yourself with – how you sometimes do things that makes the water muddier - to full please read "Being Messy to Be Creative" in Success Unlimited Mantra