Highlights of GNA


1-Principal GNA 2022 dated 07.06.2022


- outlines the process and implications of transitioning from Long-term Access to the new General Network Access (GNA) system.

- It details the requirements for T-GNA (Transmission-Generating Capacity) grants, including application procedures, payment of charges, and scheduling processes.

- It specifies that T-GNA charges must be paid on time, and failure to do so can result in the cancellation of the T-GNA grant.

- It highlights the importance of Standing Clearance for T-GNA grants and the role of SLDC in issuing such clearances.

- The process for curtailment of power flow on transmission corridors is explained, with priority given to different types of transactions under T-GNA and GNA.

- The Central Commission has the authority to relax regulations and address difficulties in implementation to ensure the smooth operation of the new system.

- Provisions are made for the alignment of existing agreements with the new regulations within a specified timeframe.

- It emphasizes the need for compliance with Grid Code provisions and communication regulations for successful T-GNA grants.

- It also mentions the sharing of transmission charges and losses among drawee DICs of ISTS in accordance with Sharing Regulations.

- The Central Commission is empowered to issue orders and practice directions to facilitate the effective implementation of the regulations and address any related issues.


Link: https://cercind.gov.in/regulations/175-Notification.pdf


2-Principal GNA Effective date from 15.10.2022


- CERC notifies the commencement of GNA Regulations from 15.10.2022, except for specific provisions

- Fresh applications for Connectivity and GNA, along with their processing and grant, will be effective from a separate notified date

- Scheduling and dispatch of electricity to be based on LTA, MTOA, and STOA in accordance with existing regulations until further notification

- STOA to be granted under existing regulations until further notification

- Billing, collection, and disbursement of inter-State Transmission Charges and Losses to continue based on LTA, MTOA, and STOA until further notification , ,.


Link:? https://cercind.gov.in/regulations/Effective_Date_of_GNA_Regulations2022.pdf


3-Detailed Procedure for Connectivity and GNA



1. Key Conditions for Applying for Grant of Connectivity:

- Applicants must meet the conditions as per Regulation 5 of GNA Regulations.

- A notarized sworn affidavit must be submitted along with the application.


2. Submission of Application for Connectivity:

- Applications should be made through the online application portal in FORMAT-CONN-APP-1.

- A copy of the application made to STU or intimation issued by STU should be furnished.


3. Eligibility for Connectivity to Intra-State and Inter-State Transmission Systems:

- An applicant cannot be eligible for connectivity to both Intra-State and Inter-State Transmission Systems for the same capacity.


4. Authorization as Lead Generator/ESS:

- If authorized as Lead Generator/ESS by one or more generating stations or ESSs for the same connection point, an agreement with the other Generating Stations or ESSs should be submitted.


5. Sharing of Terminal Bay or Switchyard:

- If applying for connectivity at a terminal bay of an ISTS sub-station already allocated to another grantee, an agreement for sharing the terminal bay or switchyard and dedicated transmission lines should be submitted.


6. Multiple Applicants for Common Terminal Bay:

- If two or more applicants are applying for connectivity at a common terminal bay, an agreement for sharing dedicated transmission lines and terminal bays should be submitted.


7. Addition of Generation Capacity:

- Generating stations or ESSs may apply to add additional generation capacity, including ESS within the quantum of connectivity granted.


8. In-Principle Grant of Connectivity:

- In-principle Grant of Connectivity shall be issued within 30 days from the last day of the month in which the application was received.


These points outline the key aspects of the application process for grant of connectivity under the GNA Regulations.


Link: https://cercind.gov.in/regulations/Order_GNA%20Procedure.pdf


4-Order dated 22.09.2023 in 11SM2023



- The Order in Petition No. 11/SM/2023 addresses the challenges faced in implementing the GNA Regulations for renewable energy projects.

- It discusses the transition from the 2009 Connectivity Regulations to the GNA Regulations, focusing on issues related to existing connectivity, long-term access (LTA), medium-term open access (MTOA), and short-term open access (STOA).

- Specific processes are outlined for transitioning existing access to the new GNA Regulations, with activities allowed to be processed from 5.4.2023 to 30.09.2023.

- Entities covered under Regulation 4.1 of the GNA Regulations, granted Long Term Access to the target region, are required to furnish Conn-BG3 @ Rs. 2 lakh/MW to be treated as Connectivity grantees under the GNA Regulations.

- CTUIL is permitted to process activities under the 2009 Connectivity Regulations for the interim period until 30.09.2023, after which all activities must adhere strictly to the GNA Regulations.

- The treatment of the Dikchu HEP project in Sikkim is discussed, emphasizing the need to obtain GNA under Regulation 37.6(1) of the GNA Regulations and deposit Conn-BG3 @ Rs 2 lakh/MW.

- The Commission issued clarifications and practice directions under Regulation 42 and Regulation 44 of the GNA Regulations to address difficulties raised by CTUIL and RE developers.


Link: https://cercind.gov.in/2023/orders/11-SM-2023.pdf


5- Order dated 29.09.2023 in 13SM2023


- The Central Electricity Regulatory Commission issued an order regarding the implementation of the GNA Regulations, effective from 01.10.2023.

- Generators with COD as of 01.10.23 can apply for transition/connectivity by submitting Conn BG3 at Rs. 2 Lakhs/MW to CTU.

- Provisional GNA/permission will be granted to entities with COD as of 01.10.23, treated as deemed T-GNA.

- Generators facing difficulties in submitting Bank Guarantees (BGs) due to time constraints may request an extension of 15 days.

- Non-submission of required BGs may lead to discontinuation of scheduling under T-GNA.

- Generating stations already transacting power under STOA can request an extension until 16.10.2023 to submit BGs.

- CTU will grant provisional permission until 16.10.2023 for scheduling under deemed T-GNA by RLDC/NLDC.

- BGs with major defects require an undertaking for defect removal before consideration.

- Connectivity/transition agreements under GNA will be signed upon submission of correct BGs.


Link: https://cercind.gov.in/2023/orders/13.pdf

6- Detailed Procedure for Allocation of Corridor dated 29.09;.2023


- The GNA Regulations and Indian Electricity Grid Code Regulations provide guidelines for the allocation of transmission corridors for scheduling GNA and T-GNA transactions.

- NLDC's Procedure for granting T-GNA through the National Open Access Registry supplements the guidelines for scheduling GNA and T-GNA transactions.

- 'Applicants' include Distribution licensees, Bulk consumers, drawee entities connected to intrastate or distribution systems, generating stations (including renewable sources), Captive generating plants, Standalone Energy Storage Systems, and Renewable Hybrid Generating Stations.

- Control Area refers to an electrical system that controls its generation and/or load to maintain interchange schedules and regulate frequency.

- The procedure involves checking the availability of transfer capabilities for scheduling requests, allocation of corridors to GNA grantees, and allowing drawl schedules for T-GNA grantees based on available margins.

- Changes in GNA quantum or effectiveness date must be communicated at least 15 days in advance.

- SLDCs provide contract details two days before scheduling requests, and RLDCs check if drawl schedules can be accommodated based on transmission capabilities.

- RLDCs allocate transmission corridors proportionally in case of constraints within or outside the region.

- Revision of drawl schedules by GNA grantees is required based on available transmission corridors.

- The procedure includes the calculation of Total Transfer Capability (TTC), Available Transfer Capability (ATC), and Transmission Reliability Margin (TRM) as per the guidelines provided by CTUIL.


Link: https://cercind.gov.in/Regulations/Order-allocation290923.pdf


7. First Amendment dated 01.04.2023


- The amendment introduces General Network Access (GNA) for renewable energy entities

- It specifies the required documents for different types of applicants, such as Renewable Power Park Developers and REGS

- Changes include substitution of terms like "ATS" with "augmentation" in certain regulations

- Provisions for returning Conn-BG1, Conn-BG2, and Conn-BG3 within specific timelines for different types of entities

- Amendments to regulations regarding transmission charges, losses, and settlements for bilateral and collective transactions

- Consequences for non-compliance, such as revocation of Connectivity and encashment of Bank Guarantee

- Provisions for utilizing GNA granted to bulk consumers by their subsidiaries

- Notification includes changes in timelines, requirements for financial closure, and consequences for failure to meet regulatory obligations


Link: https://cercind.gov.in/Regulations/178-Noti.pdf


8. Effective date 05.04.2023


- The First Amendment Regulations will be effective from 5.4.2023, with certain exceptions:

? - Amended provisions of Regulations 23.1, 24.2, 24.3, 34.2, 34.3, and 34.4

? - New Regulations 26.4, 26.5, and 26.6 of GNA Regulations

- Regulations 40.2 to 40.4 and sub-clauses (a) and (b) of Regulation 43.1 will also come into force on 5.4.2023.

- Fresh applications for Connectivity and GNA, along with their processing and grant, will be effective from 5.4.2023.

- The effective date of Regulations 37.1 to 37.8 will be 5.4.2023 instead of 15.10.2022, requiring concerned entities to exercise options afresh based on their status as of 5.4.2023.

- Scheduling and dispatch of electricity will continue to be based on existing access categories (LTA, MTOA, STOA) until further notification.

- Short-Term Open Access (STOA) will be granted under the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Open Access in inter-State transmission) Regulations, 2008, until further notification.

- Billing, collection, and disbursement of inter-State Transmission Charges and Losses will be based on access categories in accordance with the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Sharing of inter-State Transmission Charges and Losses) Regulations, 2020, until further notification.


Link: https://cercind.gov.in/Regulations/178-effective.pdf


9. Effective date 01.10.2023


- The Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Connectivity and General Network Access to the inter-State Transmission System) Regulations, 2022 were published on 19.7.2022

- Certain provisions of the GNA Regulations were made effective from 15.10.2022 as per Notification dated 14.10.2022

- The First Amendment Regulations were published on 06.04.2023

- Certain provisions of the First Amendment Regulations and GNA Regulations were made effective from 05.04.2023

- The remaining Regulations of GNA Regulations, including the First Amendment Regulations, shall come into effect from 01.10.2023

- Scheduling and Despatch of electricity from 01.10.2023 shall be based on specific parameters of Designated ISTS Customers and other grid users



Link: https://cercind.gov.in/Regulations/effective-030823.pdf





10- Order dated 01.10.2023 in 15SM2023


- The order addresses difficulties raised by CTUIL and Grid-India under the GNA Regulations

- Railways- NR-ISTS-UP has been granted 130 MW of deemed GNA based on ISTS drawal at Auraiya and Dadri

- The Commission may issue suo moto orders and practice directions for the implementation of regulations

- The GNA Regulations specify the treatment of land BG in case of closure of connectivity application due to non-submission of applicable Conn-BGs

- Entities seeking connectivity can submit a Bank Guarantee of Rs. 10 lakh/MW in lieu of land ownership rights

- Railways can utilize the GNA quantum of 130 MW at Dadri, Auraiya, Naini, or Abdullapur, with the option to apply for additional GNA if needed

- The order provides clarifications on the treatment of Land BGs in case of failure to furnish Conn-BGs after the in-principle grant of Connectivity


Link: https://cercind.gov.in/2023/orders/15-SM-2023.pdf



11- Order dated 07.10.2023 in 16SM2023


- The GNA Regulations, notified on 7th June 2022, have been progressively implemented, with certain provisions coming into effect from 05.04.2023 and the remaining provisions from 01.10.2023.

- Orders in Petition No. 11/SM/2023, No. 13/SM/2023, and No. 15/SM/2023 have provided necessary clarifications and practice directions to address challenges faced by stakeholders in adhering to the GNA Regulations.

- Grid-India's letter dated 26.09.2023 outlined specific difficulties encountered during the implementation of the GNA Regulations, prompting the Commission to issue further clarifications and directions to alleviate these issues.

- The Commission's responsiveness to stakeholder concerns and its issuance of clarifications and practice directions reflect a commitment to ensuring a seamless transition to the new regulatory framework.

- Stakeholder engagement and feedback, exemplified by Grid-India's communication, are vital for identifying and resolving implementation hurdles in regulatory frameworks, fostering a collaborative approach to regulatory compliance.



Link: https://cercind.gov.in/2023/orders/16-SM-2023.pdf



12. GNA 2nd Amendment 2024

- The Draft Second Amendment to the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission regulations introduces changes to enhance connectivity and network access to the inter-State transmission system.

- The proposed regulations are expected to come into force on a date to be notified by the Central Commission.

- A new Clause (ag-i) defines "Renewable Energy Implementing Agency" as an entity designated by the Central or State Government for specific actions.

- Changes include extending timelines for submission of documents for land, release of project cost through equity, and achieving financial closure for connectivity applicants.

- The amendments also address scenarios where Letters of Agreement (LoA) or Power Purchase Agreements (PPA) are terminated before the commercial operation date of a project.

- Modifications to regulations regarding bank guarantees, possession documents for land, and minimum installed capacity requirements in specific regions are also proposed.

- The amendments aim to streamline processes, ensure timely project development, and facilitate renewable energy integration into the grid.


Link: https://cercind.gov.in/2024/draft_reg/DN160224.pdf





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