Highest performance for everyone

Highest performance for everyone

The Hengstler ACURO AD37 encoder now available with a 1:3 cone shaft for standard servomotors

In highly dynamic motion control applications, absolute accuracy is required. This requirement can be easily met with the ACURO AD37 absolute encoder from Hengstler: It records position data reliably and precisely, even in applications with high speeds. Now the encoder is available in another version with a 1:3 cone – so manufacturers of standard servo motors can also easily integrate it into their product.


The ACURO AD37 absolute encoder is ideally suited for highly dynamic, safety-critical applications for several reasons. On the one hand, there is its very high precision: The encoder works at speeds of up to 12,000 rpm with an absolute accuracy of ±36 arc seconds and a repeatability of less than ±10 arc seconds. The certification according to SIL3 (PLe, Category 3) and the high resolution of 20 bits in single-turn and 12-bit in multi-turn operation are remarkable. These features as well as its two-channel redundant design predestine the encoder for applications with high safety and accuracy requirements.

ACURO AD37 1:3


Space miracle with high data transfer rate

In addition, the ACURO AD37 is the most compact multiturn motor feedback encoder in its class, with a depth of only 29 mm. In addition to high precision, the small dimensions were an important criterion for the Hengstler designers in the development of the encoder. This is due to the limited installation space available to engine manufacturers for the integration of additional components. Many customers therefore prefer shorter engines.


Vibration-free control enables energy-efficient operation

In addition to precision and functional safety, the ACURO AD37 is also characterized by high signal quality in data transmission. Servo motors can therefore be controlled more "smoothly" than with comparable encoders and thus operated in a very energy-efficient manner. The ACURO AD37 owes its high signal quality to a new type of sensor technology with signal conditioning. Using Hengstler's ACURO link protocol, not only information on the position, but also on the temperature of the motor and encoder is sent to the higher-level controller – with a transmission rate of 10 MBaud over a distance of up to 100 m without any loss of quality.


Data is sent extremely fast

The encoder transmits the data within a single cycle with a controller clock of up to 32 kHz, virtually in real time. This can significantly simplify data handling compared to 'conventional interfaces'. Since the ACURO AD37 transmits data much faster than other encoders, the controller can also react immediately in the event of an error. In order to further increase productivity with very high precision, servo motors can therefore be operated extremely dynamically with the ACURO AD37.


Easy configuration via Electronic Data Sheet

But the ACUROlink protocol has another advantage: all data is sent over a single cable. This saves users valuable installation space and reduces overall system costs. Easy integration of the motor with encoder into the application is also ensured by its integrated memory for drive-specific data. This enables machine builders and operators to store important key figures in an Electronic Data Sheet (EDS) directly on the encoder. This means that it can be accessed quickly if necessary. The encoder provides the specific data for the encoder, motor and drive controller during commissioning.


Encoder is compatible with Bosch-Rexroth controllers

Hengstler has designed the ACURO AD37 absolute encoder specifically for use with servo motors. It has therefore been adapted exactly to the requirements of this target group:

Machine builders can connect not only temperature sensors, but also cable break or vibration sensors to the encoder. The AD37 can also be combined with the widely used controllers from Bosch Rexroth, which also rely on the ACUROlink protocol from Hengstler.


Servo motors have various mechanical interfaces

Some drive technology manufacturers have so far only been able to use the advantages of the ACURO AD37 with increased design effort, as the encoder could previously only be connected to the motor shaft via the integrated countex? clutch hub or a stator coupling.

Standard servo motors in particular often have a shaft connection with a 1:3 cone – manufacturers therefore had to modify it in order to be able to integrate the AD37 into their drive. "Many of them have explained to us that they would like to use our encoder, but are afraid of the effort of a constructive expansion of their engine," reports Peter Elbel, Manager Product Implementation at Hengstler. Hengstler has therefore decided to bring the encoder to the market in a version with a 1:3 cone.



User group is becoming significantly larger

With this mechanical extension, the ACURO AD37 advantages can now also be used for existing servo motor product lines. In addition to the high accuracy and control quality, this also includes the high robustness of the absolute encoder from a mechanical and thermal point of view. In continuous operation, the AD37 can reliably withstand not only temperatures of up to 120 °C, but also vibrations of up to 300 m/s2 (10...2,000 Hz).


Machine builders can save money

Its enormous stability makes the absolute encoder the ideal position sensor for drives in applications in harsh environments such as machine tools, printing presses, textile machines and packaging systems. In addition to the mechanical robustness of the encoder, ACURO link's high safety integration level (SIL3) makes design work much easier for machine builders. Since the protocol is already SIL3 certified, they can use less secure standard components for the rest of their machine. This saves both time and money.


Ready for the Digital Factory

Thanks to its high level of functional safety, the ACURO AD37 from Hengstler also offers the best conditions for future Industry 4.0 applications, e.g. on machine tools, printing presses, textile machines and packaging systems. If machine builders use the AD37, they can even continue to use the established transmission paths for data transmission and also transmit data from the electronic data sheet as well as condition monitoring data – thanks to the ACURO link protocol.


