The Higher Purpose! (Part 1) Uncensored!
Sahil Adeem
CEO Source Code | | Leadership Training || Consulting || Mentoring || Public speaking
Dear All, This is the Q&A post the interview session.
This is the original version which was not accepted by my consultancy CMC, Television & the Source Code team for explicit content. (They called it poetic violence). But i feel its necessary to explain since the spree of questions i am getting is begging for the original script.
Among so many people claiming to be great leaders? How do we choose a leader to begin with?
Don’t choose a leader, it’s a shame if you start from there. There are no basis for choosing a leader for anything other than how many people are following him and that's the one thing totally irrelevant from the core. Its a wrong indicator made to look right. Even Prophets almost never won the game of numbers. So always start from choosing your purpose. If you don’t have a defined purpose statement of your own self, then every tom dick and harry is your leader just because everyone you know is following him and most of all if you don’t have a clear and high purpose defined for your own self, you wont know how to disqualify the people known as leaders to begin with. This purpose will give you not only clarity but confidence to qualify people. The higher your purpose is the more leaders you will be able to disqualify or qualify. This is where the Prophets of God Almighty become so great. Since their purpose was so high and clear that every other revolution on earth, a cause or a movement only looks like a tiny little subset compared to the purpose of the Prophets A.S. e.g. Whatever Mandela, or Gandhi, or Martin Luther King stood for is only an iota of what Esa A.S, or Musa A.S or Muhammad S.A.W. were given as a legislature by the Almighty.
What do you mean by clarity of purpose? How do we get blurry?
Lets define confusion first. The new age and the channels of information that our kids have access to, increases the problems to an alarming proportion. 50 years ago, a regular person didn’t want everything in the planet since he just didn’t know everything in the planet. The want matrix was even smaller 50 years before that and if you keep drawing it further back you’ll see smaller and simpler spheres and bubbles of wants people had to carry as a load for their ultimate struggle for life. This is why ordinary people lived rich lives before and rich people live ordinary lives these days. Every 'successful' man or the billionaires on earth long for the simplicity in life these days and start moving on the retract of life rather than further complicating it. As soon as they actualize their goal, they realize that it doesn't speak to their basic design. So one can argue for the pros and cons for the size of the sphere based on where he was born, but no one can argue for the opaqueness or density of the sphere. Everyone innately wants this sphere to be clear and transparent. And hence anyone would trade a his giant sphere for a more transparent sphere of even a much smaller size, since transparency means clarity, inner peace and satisfaction. This is why we inadvertently envy the simple life styles of people in our circles.
I once read somewhere that the difference between any other book and the Quran is that the great and exciting books by people;
- Load you with tons of information
- Take you to different places
- Make you meet and know awesome people
- Excite you to the core
Whereas the Quran;
- Unloads all that information
- Takes you to just one place
- Makes you meet no one but God
- Satisfies your core
This is probably the best analogy of what I am trying to state. Now since we see everything on the planet through TV, Media and Social media, so we naturally want everything for ourselves. And spend all our lives trying to chase our whims in every direction we can run since that ever growing list of ours has things present in various dimensions.
Whats wrong with making money as a purpose? Its also a tool for doing good isn't it?
Human beings are not designed to handle everything. All rules have exceptions, except this one. We cannot find a single sample among billions and billions of people who ever took to this task and succeeded. The world is full of little people roaming around who want everything in life and not just that but they want everything in life for themselves. Money has become a disease everyone is suffering from. The more you have it the more you want more. (There is a scientific explanation which I am cannot go in detail about here) And since money is everywhere so people start running everywhere like in a refugee camp after a catastrophe people run wild towards the first sight of the UN trucks. Even the hyenas don't eat more than their fill. But humans do, as soon as they make money their goal. And when you start to want everything, you are going against your own design. Its like being pulled by ropes from every direction. It will not only confuse you but tear your soul apart. You will never get the inner peace. The more your list of wants is going to be, the closer you are going to get to the hardships of regret (since you will miss out on opportunities, friends and family), jealousy (because you will always have someone having more and better), unwanted sorrow (because you will be inevitably have to pick fights which are not yours, lose people which were never yours, fail on expectations and fail people on expectations since money buys everything but it just doesn't buy everyOne) and most of all greed (the first child that money begets). These are the basis of most of the corruption in our homes and countries e.g. If your purpose is the ultimate gain of money or power, you will naturally equip yourselves with the skill of making money and gaining power. Like we all do these days. This is why entrepreneurs act like and sound like and even feel like spiritual leaders to us. It will develop a sense that giving is bad for business and taking every cent will become good, no matter how or where you get it. Since a buck is a buck right? So a shallow purpose like fame or fortune will rip away the virtues, even which we were gifted to you by birth, with or without your consent. However if your purpose is the ultimate good of people, community or country or society, you will still have to equip yourself to make money. To make sure you you can do the good of people and communities. But you will never become greedy, nor will you step on any single person on the way of making that money since your purpose will keep reminding you that you cannot pick and choose between people or situations since need could be relative but your purpose is absolute. Patience and serenity will calm your self down through this training of sacrifice. This Purpose will obviously make you a giver throughout the course of this journey. and great virtues will come inside you with or without your knowledge. Amazing thing about money is that its a bi-product of many goals and journeys, so don’t worry about money, whatever goal you are truly trying to achieve will yield some sort of monetary channels. So money is an output of many a purpose, But money as a purpose only has one output. And that's hollowness of the soul. Beware of that.
What is a purpose? or better yet what is a higher purpose?
Purpose is the final achievement if everything goes your way. If assuming you were given the reigns of the planet or universe by God almighty, the one thing you will do to satisfy your self. In other words the best way of measuring a man's worth is the purpose he is chasing. A higher purpose is the one everyone benefits from equally. If you ever achieve it, every single human being will be satisfied to their core. This is why Prophets' purpose was the good life of eternity of all of humanity. (For reference and detail, please read the last article 1 answer to 700 questions). And make a purpose which is larger than life. In other words one purpose or goal for which you wont wait for a second giving your life for if required. Let me give you an example. Muhammad Ali Jinnah quit seeing his doctor in 1943, the doctor was actually banned to see Mr. Jinnah since he was afraid the doctor might tell everyone that Jinnah is terminally ill. If that news had broken out, Pakistan would never have come into being. Lord Mountbatten said on record that if he had known about Jinnah’s condition, he would have delayed the Pakistan declaration later on overthrowing the decision after Jinnah’s demise. And Jinnah Knew that really well and literally gave up his life (by not letting doctors operate on him) to avoid any shortfall since his cause and purpose was larger than his own life.
You said that we should train the kids on the purpose? How do we do that with kids?
Train yourself first and then train your child to identify a greater cause and purpose in every situation. When he is watching a cartoon, ask him to identify why the evil character is evil. I bet you he will identify it through the lack of virtues of the character. Correct him right there and tell him to see the ultimate purpose that character is trying to gain. Ask him to paint the world if that character succeeds. Talk about why that world would be bad. Explain to him the evil in evil. The cause behind the effects. If you cannot do that, learn how to, its your child we are talking about. The most important asset you will ever have. And I am not worried about just that, I'm worried about how many children can be effected by my own child if I don't train him on this. Other wise we're just raising more cattle for the same old herd doing the same old thing. Apply the same technique with the stories you tell them, books they read. Do not classify the whole planet into types of people in front of your children (which we do all the time) that will create prejudice, but into types of purposes people are chasing in front of your children. This shall create wisdom. Play this purpose game all the time. The better you get at it, the better your kids will be as human beings. Virtues will come as a requirement for the higher purposes. Develop a love for the greater cause very early. Children are the best learners. They’ll perfect that very early and set themselves as reminders for your own selves in your own lives. In some situations, the child leads the parents better than anyone else based simply on the purity of their soul.
There are several questions more that were asked and I keep getting the amazing letters with the mot insightful questions. I shall be answering those in the next post, since the content itself has crossed the thresholds of a normal reader for an article.
Attended Riphah International University
4 个月Transparent and untangling!
Clinical & Organizational Psychologist | Leadership & Life Coach | Wellness at Work Protagonist | Corporate Trainer | Psychopreneur
8 å¹´What a treat... acted like a psychoactive stimulus :)
Well thought-out & Inspirational read!
Certified Global Customer Experience Professional - CX/EX/VOC/MS Specialist - Brands Strategist & Enabler - Author - Activist - Listed in Top 50 CX Influencer 2023
8 å¹´Good post - but it raise many more questions then the descriptions!
Business Systems | DevOps | SDLC (Agile & Scrum) | ETL | BI & DWH | System Engineer | Cloud Architect | Consultant
8 å¹´Sir correct me if i am wrong..this is in oir core values of islam that dont worry about money its in your destiny..just choose a right path, but then sir why we always in the race of money? Why we dont work on our true path for 2nd life? How we can educate ourself and groom our childrens for right path? Do you have any solution for this?