On Higher Purpose

On Higher Purpose

One of the single most concerning problems that has emerged, this year amidst the pandemic, has been the seeming substitution in many places of faith and higher purpose, with the all knowing catch cry to the Intellectual Gods of “trust the science.”??As we have, at times, felt the fear and clambered for something concrete we could rely on, to regain a sense of safety and control. The trouble with faith in comparison at such times can be that, seemingly, something that many think they can’t see and can’t hear and sometimes struggle to access and touch, has begun to feel perhaps, a little too intangible and out of reach to be relied upon in such challenging moments as these. Whereas trusting the expert and what’s “proven” can feel a little more “concrete.”?

The thing about the “proof” of our higher purpose and Divine intelligence though, is that it rarely shows up in your lounge room in the form of burning bushes, or holographic apparitions of Glowing divine, white robed, angelic entities floating above your head. So much as usually dressed in the threads of every day people and in the form of every day, often “mundane” everyday circumstances.?

Sometimes, you might get lucky in that you ask for a sign and the sky writer guy just happened to be available to fly up and put that word that you needed to see in the sky that one day. And if you look at the gorgeous photographs of some people of sky photos or Naturescapes and look a little more closely, it’s actually not unusual to often see faces, shapes or something meaningful within any and all. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve been asking for a sign, and then look down at the footpath beneath me to find somebody’s initials are scribbled in the concrete just in front of my feet.

Let me say it again, more often than not, the answers to our requests for guidance and the answers to our prayers, often come In much more literal, subtle every day forms. Like the email or LinkedIn message that suddenly appears shortly after you inner thoughts about needing more clients or work, from some person you’ve never met, who, in talking to them, you find out they turn out to be a future client. Or know of an opportunity.?

On the days where you’re not quite sure what you want, but you know that you need more money, that random annoying phone call that??comes a few hours later about Forex or Crypto trading, might well be one permutation that some divine consciousness is trying to ping??back to you as an option (or a sign) in answer to the very general/vague request you had just put out prior. You then get to consider it and decide if this is the thing, or you need to refine your request to the universe a little bit further. In the same way as when you’re sitting on an app, dreaming of the perfect sandwich, but have to add specifics to your Uber eats order, in order for someone to be able to make an actual sandwich in reality and then someone else in reality to be able to show up at your door with a physical sandwich. So too do we have to add some details to our life order of how we want to serve, doing what, with what kinds of people, where and for how much??

In other moments, messages are a little bit more sensory. For example, that time when I was 14 and about to board the school bus home after school and got a sudden flash of the wall in the dining room containing the wood heater, and the adjoining wall full of windows. As I looked at the windows in this image, I noticed that there were bees all along the inside of the dining room windows, that seem to be coming out of the vents to the chimney above the Wood heater. Surprise surprise, an hour later or so when we got home to an otherwise empty house, I unlocked the house and walked in to the kitchen to find the dining room windows lined with bees, entering from a hive in the chimney.?

Other times, it’s simply that peaceful, easy feeling of calm and just knowing that (in the styling of Kate Bush) that something good is going to happen… and all is going to be ok.?

Or the gut feeling; that tension in your gut and that feeling with the hairs on the back of your neck and up your back stand on end, as you get the sense that something is very wrong, as something that somebody in the space with you just thought about you, is indeed very very “wrong“ for your well-being over the next 30 minutes.?

Other times, it’s the sudden pleasant smell that fills your nostrils that reminds you of someone you care for, a place you visited, or a relative that’s no longer earth side with you.?

Or there’s a line giving a clue in the song that keeps popping into your head repeatedly that turns out to be relevant to the question you’ve been asking yourself all morning. Or a sudden string of words or ideas that start streaming through the moment you stop reaching for an answer and go for a walk along the beach.?

Often these are far more subtle “signs” and insights, than your burning bush. Or the angelic being in white with wings, or some apparition of a guy with a giant hammer, an embodiment of the Earth Mama, or the head of an Elephant materialising physically in front of you. Or within your minds eye. (Unless you recently mentioned their name on or near your phone, and now they’re suddenly appearing non stop in your YouTube feed?)?

All of us, I believe, are capable of picking these messages up at any given moment. The complexity though, is:

-When we either get so caught up in the fear in our heads and nervous systems that we miss them. Or

-We might have our blinkers of expectation on, expecting that it should look or turn out a certain way. Or,?

-We just flat out dismiss the “signs” as too simple and surely it couldn’t be that easy. Or

-We refuse to trust in their validity: holding out in a way, as though we need to be shown signs that the garden is definitely going to be a success in growing veggies first, before we’ll do the work and invest the time in planting the seeds. (A gardener doesn’t wait to see that the vegetables grow before they plant them; they trust that there is a natural order, a natural growth and evolution process, from which, one day, we’ll reap the fully grown vegetable rewards. Connecting with our higher purpose requires an equal level of trust in the process and trust in its eventual harvest.)?

When connected to that divine loving intelligence, to the sacred, our actions will tend towards being loving, compassionate and oriented towards what is the higher, most honouring outcome, that best helps all grow and rise into their highest potential. They will tend towards optimism and the realisation of possibilities and finding a way.?

When we’re heart and soul connected, and look someone in the eyes, respecting them too as an expression of the divine, it’s almost impossible to judge, or do harm, or say something harmful to another, because you feel the unity and see and feel the deep reverence for this other beautiful living being in front of you. You have a deep understanding and feel the connectedness of you being a part of this intricate system of life, together. And as you walk the world, you can pretty much exchange smiles and strike up a meaningful conversation with almost anyone, anywhere, without needing a thing from them in return.?

When we’re disconnected from our divine?reality:

-We can get 'jugdgy'

-We can get bitchy and 'backstabby'

-We can get very fearful

-We can get defence or attacking

-We can get competitive?

-We can get exclusive?&

-Excessively controlling and conditional

-We can become suspicious and untrusting

-We can get consumed with trying to keep up

-We can start hoarding resources, over seeking to nurture and grow our own resources?to be able to live sustainably

-We can get addicted to things, substances, devices, activities, experiences, people, trying to fill the void with literally anything in an attempt to feel “whole” and fulfilled.?

-While no manifestation of purpose generally happens in a vacuum devoid of people, in the absence of a clear connection with our own purpose, we can find ourselves trying to complete ourselves by filling ourselves up with and taking on the purpose of some other. Or in living vicariously through others. Whether on a small, or a massive, collective scale.?

-We can get addicted to the next win, the next accolade, the next pat on the back, the next hit of external validation, trying to feel full enough with purpose and full enough with self love, that we finally feel enough. &

-We can get ungrounded and out of balance . Trying to build something that feels good or is innovative and new, or fulfils whatever imagined goal or agenda, trying to create something or prove that something massive is doable or possible.?

But at what cost? When 27% of wealth ends up in the hands of 1% (greater than the wealth of the entire middle class of one country), at what cost? When countries try and beat each other to having the mother of all bioweapons, or kill hundreds of thousands of animals in the clearing of habitat for resource production, or in testing some new technology; at what cost? When you work the land ever harder than it can regenerate, milk the cows ever longer without a spell, work the workers ever longer without rest, let all the lifestyle illnesses continue unchecked or managed only with quick fixes; when people would rather just get their lives back, after bending our whole lives around reducing the daily viral death count, while whole groups of Leaders and people refuse to acknowledge the existence of the 17, 128 souls who lost their lives and the 26 199 that were permanently disabled and the 818, 412 that were injured in the testing of a vaccine in a war against a virus, writing it off as 'necessary for survival, because the virus is worse', I ask you, at what cost??

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Hand in hand with Science, connection to spirituality and higher purpose is a big part of what keeps us in balance and on track to a sustainable and fulfilling future and what actions are required to help us achieve it.?

Having a daily practice, that keeps us connected to our version of divinity is a part of the medicine we need to counter the fear and challenges of hard times. And it is a massive part of the bridge that will help us find the courage to let go of the versions of “life as normal” that already weren’t working.?

And will help us take our first steps of faith in the direction of creating a new and better way of living, being and doing work, play, technology, economy and all the things in between. It also helps us understand that, while it can in moments feel very lonely, while much of the old is going the way of the Tower card, staying connected with higher purpose and something divine, helps us see that we are not and never were alone. And there are other gorgeous humans who will transition with us and reunite with us on the other side of each little mini leap of faith too.?

What does spirituality and connection to the sacred, with your higher purpose, with whatever your words for what you might call divine, look like to you??

?What is your version of a practice that reconnects you with divinity and that energy as it wishes to reside in and be expressed by you??

Are you still making the time each day, amidst the many demands and state of the world, to do your own version of a ritual that reconnects you?

Times like these, where we really get squeezed HARD, are the times in which we need to double down and recommit to our divine missions the MOST, whatever they may be.?

Whatever they are, now is the time where it’s time to rise.

Until next time….?

Nat xx

P.S. Stay in the loop to hear about our upcoming webinars and workshops to help you strengthen your connection to your passion and higher purpose...


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