Higher, farther, integrate,build,science & technologies
You run with all your might so that you can still maintain your current position.
If you want to go somewhere else, at least you must double your speed.
If you want to lead others, you must at least stand on higher dimension and see ahead that others cannot see.
If you don't want to be easily copied by others, at least you need to integrate and build more complex resources and platforms.
Even you can achieve the above, you still need continuously apply multiple interdisciplinary knowledge and a various efficient and new science and technologies.
Reducing costs and increasing efficiency is good, but increasing costs and increasing more efficiencies are more competitive.
如果你想去别的地方 必须至少快一倍
如果你想领先他人 至少要站在更高的维度
如果你不想被他人轻易抄袭 至少要整合与构建更加复杂的资源与平台
即使你能做到以上 但依然需要持续不断地运用多个跨学科的知识和各种高效的新的科学与技术
降本增效固然不错 但增本增效更有竞争力