Higher Education
3PM are at the forefront of delivering exemplar sustainable schemes and have a strong proven track record, having been active in the Higher Education (HE) sector for a number of years. As founding members of the University Design Forum m, we are currently engaged in developed wider sector guidance for our members to enable them to fully engage with the drive to a low carbon future.??
By the application of our proven three-point plan; establishing the mindset, providing clarity of process, and monitoring of performance; we aim to improve the delivery and maximise the benefits to our HE clients. Below we outline some key learnings.??
In our most recent scheme with the @London School of Economics, we were appointed early in the process to help LSE create their most ambitious sustainability brief for their latest development, the Firoz Lalji Global Hub, and the final jigsaw piece in their award-winning estate. Following an international design competition, David Chipperfield Architects chitects were successful based on their approach to retaining the existing building versus demolition and new build. This allowed circa 60% of the existing building to be retained. Parts of the building that could not be retained were carefully deconstructed and as much as feasible was kept for re use within the same development. The scheme has been selected as a case study for The LETI Retrofit in Higher Education Guide and a working exemplar for Westminster City Council.?
2. Fabric first and Passivhaus?
As a business, we are Passivhaus converts with a proven track record of over a decade and believe it to be the top accreditation in sustainable building design. In simple, Passivhaus is a thermal comfort and energy standard for buildings. It provides a framework for designing, building, commissioning and handing over a low energy building with high thermal comfort. This was put into practice at the Entopia building for 英国剑桥大学 bridge whereby we achieved EnerPHit, the Passivhaus retrofit Standard. Initial findings from Entopia indicate a c. 90% reduction in energy use compared to pre-refurb consumption.??
3. Carbon KPIs and Sustainable Procurement??
Tracking Carbon is a mindset that must be imbedded into the project values from the offset. We first put this into practice, well ahead of the emergence of the RICS methodology on Our multi-award-winning low carbon new build “The Enterprise Centre” completed in 2019 which secured both the BCO’s acclaimed Best of the “Best and the Best” and the “Test of Time” award, this scheme set the baseline for many of the projects now being conceived.? The scheme was recognised at #COP26 as one of the Top 10 exemplars worldwide. Developed with a single point delivery partner, Morgan Sindall plc , the project we trialled collaborative procurement, design, construction and facilities management providing measurement and establishment of carbon KPIs at each stage.??