Higher Ed is Hard. Our New Advice Columnist Has Solutions.
Got questions? Jaime Hunt has answers.

Higher Ed is Hard. Our New Advice Columnist Has Solutions.

You might have noticed: It’s hard working in higher education right now.

Every day can feel like a microcosm of challenges ranging from the existential to the tedious, and you may not always have the answers — or the guidance — you need to thrive, or just to get through.

Jaime Hunt can help. If you don’t know of her already, she’s a CMO with 20 years of experience in higher ed. She’s just about seen it all, and she’s well aware of the need for mentorship and coaching in an industry facing crazy challenges and an ongoing exodus of talent.

And now she’s heading up our new advice column, “Dear Jaime.”

This is an advice column for anyone working in higher ed administration, at any stage in their career.?

Whether you need advice on navigating office politics, have a question about how to adopt AI, want help thinking through your next big marketing campaign, or you’re even thinking about a career change, she can help.

Send us your questions, and twice a month she’ll pen her responses on Volt (all question senders will be anonymized in those posts, of course).

We can’t wait to see what you have to ask —?and what she has to say. No doubt, for every question asked, there’s countless others out there dealing with something similar.

You can email your questions to [email protected].

3 Other Stories We're Looking at This Week:

  1. Is YouTube Social Media? Andrew Cassel explores social media’s version of the ‘Is a hot dog a sandwich?’ conundrum.
  2. What is the Long-Term Impact of Rankings Changes? U.S. News & World Report finally bowed to long-standing criticism by changing their ranking criteria last year, but does the revised system actually help prospective students who prioritize ROI and student outcomes?
  3. Can AI Be Used in the Admissions Process? As higher ed grapples with the complexities and expenses of admissions, the allure of adopting AI grows, but ethical concerns abound.

?? Listen Up! To Our Latest Podcast :)

Allen Adamson tells Kevin Tyler why it is high time that higher ed learn something from mainstream brands about defining your audience and clarifying your mission, on the latest Higher Voltage.

This week's newsletter written by Aaron Stern

Have a news tip or story idea about life in higher ed marketing and leadership? Email us at [email protected].



