High Vibes = Facing the Feels
We don’t achieve a high vibing life by avoiding the truth. We can hide behind laughs and smiles, that’s not truly living in a higher frequency.
Humans have an aversion to feeling pain. We like to avoid the truth sometimes. However, that leads to a lost opportunity of getting behind the temporal truth of our existence. And we fail to meet and see our perfection and the perfection of the moment.
Our feelings fluctuate moment to moment, day to day. Feelings are not just feelings; they direct us to a learning. We can choose to learn that next thing and when we do, our vibration lifts. The learning lifts us, as does the gratitude for that learning.
Problems are unwrapped presents. If we see a ‘problem’ we just haven’t unwrapped it yet. So, when a feeling prompts us, we learn to unwrap it. Once it is unwrapped, it usually directs us clearly to where we need to go, what we need to do, and it tunes us into a deeper navigation system – our intuition.
Feelings are usually above our intuition. They are the red flags that say, “something needs to change here”. Once we reflect and accept that, we tap into a vast expanse of something deeper, a higher frequency. We have a moment of clarity. We have a clear and solid feeling, navigating us forward.
We cannot get to our intuition and higher frequency navigation system if we are avoiding our feelings, avoiding the truth. Sometimes, we need to choose to temporarily feel the pain before it will pass and lift us to our next path on our purpose. Just remember to breathe, “This too shall pass” is a good mantra.
Make friends with your feelings, they are your ticket to a high vibe life. You can’t heal what you can’t feel. And if you can’t feel, you can’t live a high vibe life.
#intuition #feelings #feelittohealit #trustyourintuition #truthtelling #honesty #highvibelife #highvibe