High Value Men
Jere’My Rankins, M.A. (He, Him, El)
Transformative Counselor | Teacher & Mentor | I Advocate for 2nd Chances
Is this really a thing?
Kevin Samuels has come to large fame by giving unfiltered relationship advice while doing live consultations on the great World Wide Web. ?I agree with many of his controversial views and opinions but not his delivery, but then again, I understand what gets viewers attention and holds it.?People like drama. ?Let’s talk briefly about what a high-power man is according to a recent Google search I did (https://thepowermoves.com/high-quality-men/)?
Some of the characteristics include
·??????Knowing and understanding power dynamics
·??????Being Assertive
·??????Generates his own Self-Esteem
·??????Takes care of his self
·??????Has a purpose
·??????Emotionally Intelligent
·??????Growth mindset
·??????Takes Responsibility
Now Kevin establishes several of these dynamics in his live shows every single episode.?The power of these qualities plays huge in the psych of his listeners and guests. He establishes the power dynamic in several ways:
1.????When you go onto another-persons platform they are in control of the narrative.?You are a guest in their home and to go on his stage you immediately are required to submit or be booted- You want his attention? You obey by Kevin Samuels rules
a.????He will kick you off his live
b.????He will call you names and criticize you
c.????He will mute you
d.????He will talk over you (Power, Power, Power!!)
2.????He speaks with intelligence and knows history (trivia)- it appears that he is well read and versed (knowledge is power)
3.????He’s a handsome, Tall, man
4.????He claims to be a High Value Man and measures much of this on his financial earnings- Google guestimates his net worth to be in the ballpark range of Roughly 3 million dollars in earning
By definition, I do not challenge that he is not a high value man at all. The proof is in the pudding.?One of the takeaways I’ve gotten from hearing him speak to some of you women out there is that High Value Men don’t go after “Average Women” or what he defines as “Low-Value Women.” The terminology is triggering. To much of his credit, he is pretty spot on.?I’ve noticed throughout my years many women who marry High Value Men fall into one of two categories with few outliers which would be extraneous variables.
1.????Women who married a man with vision and promise (before the fortune and fame):
a.????Elon Musk-Justine Wiley
b.????Bill Gates-Melinda French
c.????Bill Cosby-Camille Cosby
2.????Women who are considered globally physically attractive to men and married into the money:
a.????Donald Trump-Melania Trump
b.????Tiger Woods-Elin Maria Pernilla Nordegren
c.????Michael Jordan- divorced Juanita Vanoy after 17 years to marry a younger and more physically attractive Karla Knafel- a Cuban model
d.????Kevin Hart- Divorced Torrie Hart and remarried a younger and arguably more attractive Eniko Hart
The second list is a sample of men who are not the most physically attractive but respected with financial credibility.?Without either element the options would be totally different for these men.
Both lists could be longer, but hopefully you get the draft. ?I have said this time, after time, after time… Men Historically pursue younger and more attractive partners while women/females select the more secure and safe partner.?Safety and security are the equivalent to financial and physical relief, two worries the female or woman do not have to concern themselves with.?These are basic survival standards in human evolution. ?This goes back to the cave man days.?The literature teaches us this in social sciences on the higher education level.
I say all this to tell you, that Kevin Samuels has over a million followers for the sustenance of his content and validity to what he speaks to.?There is also the drama and the rude element to his presentation in which people gravitate to.?
I would disagree with Kevin on his perception of beauty and how the global beauty standard measures attractiveness in anyone.?For example, he rates Beyonce Knowles at an 8 while Kelly Roland is a 10.?I would respectfully disagree without placing my personal judgment on the matter which I find demeaning to women.?Although, the mass amount of high value men do not seek out the Lizzo’s of the world they choose to pursue the Melania’s and the Beyonce’s if available. Beauty remains in the eye of the beholder. ?I disagree with his assessment ratings for women when they come on his live streams.?
One very crucial question that is asked consistently throughout his broadcasts is, “What do you bring to the table if you would like a high value man who earns enough money to sustain the lifestyle that you desire? ?
I will close with saying this…
?Most women desire to be married to a lifelong partner.?With marriage comes significant sacrifice in some capacity.?Every seven years a human being changes in some aspect of their life, sometimes for better and others for the worst.?Unfortunately, the harsh reality of love is that it comes with conditions.?If you were to challenge me on this then reflect on the last time you felt in-love with someone…Why did the two of you break up? You or the other person broke one of your conditions of love.?We can debate that all day, but at the end of the discussion one thing remains when selecting a life-long partner. Those who hold strong core values have standards for who we want in our lives.?Your standards may differ from mine.?We will all make mistakes and errors in judgment to find exactly what we want. That is the benefits of learned experiences. Be careful who you allow to influence your values.
By: Jere’My Rankins MA, LPC ??