Canada Blower Co. developed new temperature fans and blowers for industrial applications to 2200 F. This was achived by using extremely high strength stainless steel alloys for the fans impellers, that allow for higher safe speeds at elevated temperatures.
The Canada Blower high temperature oven fans line now include:
- Operating up to 2200 F, centrifugal, axial and plug fan types;
- Pre-engineered and custom made fans for all types of applications with vaiety of impeller types and accessories;
- Canada Blower engineers provide a professional advice and recommend a right fan for every application & oven / plenum design;
- The fan offering provides competitive replacement fans to Garden City, Lau, IGE, Alloy Fabricating fan models; repairs, re-build & balancing;
- Unique high temperature water-cooled motors for operation up to 2300 F.
Fans with ambient air cooling systems handling hot airstreams must have sufficient airflow and be kept in operation until airstream temperatures cool below 120 F to prevent damage to the fan unit. The Tubeaxial fan ambient air cooling system is only effective while fan is operating.
There are two major types of high temperature fans - centrifugal and axial ventilators:
Centrifugal fan Wheels:
* Multiblade forward curved fan wheel. This type of wheel is usually specified where there is a necessity for large volumes of flow against low to medium static pressure requirements. The forward curve fan blade is that it delivers the same volume of air as either the backward or radial blade wheel, at a lower fan speed, which is important due to wheel stresses at elevated temperatures. This fan is the most common type used in all types of heat treatment operations except where a buildup of material on the blades could occur, as wheel unbalance would result.
* Radial Blade, paddle wheel type fans. This type of wheel is usually specified where there is a necessity for medium volumes of flow against medium to large static pressures. The paddle blower wheel is considered a self cleaning type of wheel. It could be used where there are various materials or dust in the air stream. Due to its structurally strong design, it is used in many heat treatment applications at very high temperatures where maximum fan longevity is desired.
Axial Blade Fan Wheels:
* The axial blade wheel is usually specified where there is a need for very large volumes of flows against low static pressure. Axial wheel like the multi-blade forward curve type wheel could cause an axial fan to deliver different air volumes at the same static pressure, if the total pressure requirement of the fan system was underestimated. This type of fan is ideally suited where a large volume of flow is required with a minimum of duct work and is used extensively for small and large furnaces, such as aluminum annealing.
Fans handling hot airstreams must have sufficient airflow and be kept in operation until airstream temperatures cool below 120 F to prevent damage to the fan unit. The Tubeaxial fan ambient air cooling system is only effective while fan is operating.
SEND YOUR REQUEST TO OUR WEBSITES: canadianblower.com olegsystems.com canadablower.com abbblower.com acmefan.net industrialblower.net fansandblowers.net americanblower.net barryfan.com cincinnatifan.net canadafans.com barryfan.net pennbarry.net pennfan.net tcffan.com