High Temperature Creep, High Value Degrees and Coatings in the News
Surface Ventures
Not-for-profit providing world-class surface science webinars for academics and industry professionals
Hello all,
Hope you're well. The holiday season is fast approaching and I'm very much looking forward to some time off to rest, recharge and spend time with friends and family. This week I've seen that my coauthors and editors of "Nanomechanics for Coatings and Engineering Surfaces" have started receiving their copies. I'm eagerly waiting to receive mine too, that will be a wonderful early Christmas present. Stay tuned over December and January as we're maintaining our fortnightly release schedule. Catch you all in the next issue on the 20th of December!
Research highlights: Highly Cited
Current indentation technologies allow for measurements of mechanical properties up to 1000?°C. High performance engineered surfaces are allowing systems to withstand ever more extreme conditions. As temperatures increase so does the effect of creep requiring carefully crafted experiments to measure. Indentation relaxation tests are more difficult to conduct due to thermal drift and displacement control overshoot. "Indentation creep vs. indentation relaxation: A matter of strain rate definition?" by Baral et al. explores the strain rate definitions between creep and relaxation.
Surface Engineering Resources: In the News
Surface Engineering and coatings technologies rarely make the news. Perhaps it's simply the scale of the technology or the complex multi-disciplinary work that enables technologies such as high-performance jet engines to research ever higher levels of performance. "The superpowers of coatings make possible the impossible" from the BBC details cutting-edge research of leading experts Prof Ben Beake of Micro Materials, Prof Kripa Varanasi of MIT, Prof Nuria Espallargas at Norwegian University of Science and Technology and others.
Interesting Infographics
Return on investment in degree choice is important in choosing your future career path. Passion for your chosen study area is essential too! STEM degrees are incredibly valuable degrees returning more lifetime income compared to other fields. It's not all about money but this gives you the ability to pursue your desires. Find out more about this infographic from Voronoi from the Visual Capitalist here.
From our Partner
Closely mimicking real-world conditions is the best way to provide accurate and reliable measurements of mechanical properties and predict materials' behaviour. The NanoTest Xtreme utilising active tip and sample heating, horizontal loading, highly local heating and high vacuum allows users to reliably measure mechanical properties on the nano-scale as a function of temperature, free from thermal drift or oxidation.
As temperatures increase, so does the chance of component failure due to creep. Utilising small-scale measurements to understand microstructure is particularly important as grain boundaries facilitate diffusion processes in creep. The NanoTest Xtreme allows for long duration creep tests due to its high thermal stability.
You can find other high temperature notes on the Micro Materials Website. You can find videos relating to high temperature nanomechanical characterisation on the Micro Materials YouTube Channel.
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Notable and quotable
“People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do.” – Isaac Asimov
What we’re reading
Gaining and maintaining expertise is one of the primary challenges in industry. Knowledge Transfer Challenges in the Lubricants Industry Special Report from STLE is a digital special report considering concerns of experienced lubricant professionals not being replaced in time to transfer their industry knowledge to the next generation. Companies need ti be thinking about this issue now and plan succession before it is too late.
An app a day
Apple has Air Drop and Google has Quick Share. Both are great systems within their respective ecosystems but what if you want to share between all your devices? LocalSend is a free, open-source file-sharing system that works across Windows, Mac, Linux, Android and iOS. It works without a central server, you only need to be on the same WiFi as the device you're sharing with.
The Lighter Side of Research
There is a case to be made that some scientists should ensure they communicate their research to the general public better. Academic articles aren't always the most digestible to the average reader and this is where good communication about the impacts can work wonders. And in this tenuous situation of increasing public knowledge and trust in science, we occasionally get articles that are so odd, so bizarre that it makes me wonder whether it was written by AI as in the case of "Practice of neurosurgery on Saturn". I'm not sure what to make of it but it's certainly amusing.
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Curated By Dr Samuel McMaster
Content Manager – Surface Ventures