High Standards for Integrity
High Standards for Integrity
"Rules for life: 1. Eagerly start the day’s main work. 2. Do not murmur at your busyness or the shortness of time, but buy up the time all around. 3. Never exaggerate duties by seeming to suffer under the load, but treat all responsibilities as liberty and gladness. 4. Never call attention to crowded work or trivial experiences. 5. Before confrontation or censure, obtain from God a real love for the one at fault. Know the facts; be generous in your judgment. Otherwise, how ineffective, how unintelligible or perhaps provocative your well-intended censure may be. 6. Do not believe everything you hear; do not spread gossip. 7. Do not seek praise, gratitude, respect, or regard for past service. 8. Avoid complaining when your advice or opinion is not consulted, or having been consulted, set aside. 9. Never allow yourself to be placed in favorable contrast with anyone. 10. Do not press conversations to your own needs and concerns. 11. Seek no favors, nor sympathies; do not ask for tenderness, but receive what comes. 12. Bear the blame; do not share or transfer it. 13. Give thanks when credit for your own work or ideas is given to another."
Reference: Quoted in: Spiritual Leadership by Oswald Sanders, Moody Publishers, 1967, p. 128-129.
Author:Edward Benson