High-Performance Cryptocurrency Mining via BatMine
Cryptocurrency and blockchain technology proposes numerous investment opportunities. Cryptocurrency mining is one of such opportunity, mining refers to the confirmation and verification of transactions on a blockchain and individuals who indulge in such process often get a portion of the block reward. As more and more users embrace blockchain technology and the market size continue to grow so has the difficulty in mining increased. The mining industry at the moment is predominated by large players with deep pockets to acquire miners which will guarantee high computational power and consistency in their mining operation while for low-level investors or ordinary individuals with interest in crypto mining the expense spent on miners, electricity cost and cooling system and absence of technical know-how has made it nearly impossible/unprofitable to engage in mining. In a bid to adapt to the growing challenges, individuals began to opt for cloud mining services but the lack of transparency, lack of control over equipment and its maintenance, and the anonymous/fraudulent nature of some cloud mining companies have completely set crypto enthusiast on their heels and the need for a crypto mining platform that serves the needs and specifications of all and sundry in the crypto mining industry has continued to grow.
Introducing BatMine
BatMine which in full means Blockchain applied technology mine is a high-performance crypto mine that aims to service the needs of all players in the crypto mining industry. The major concern of individuals involved in mining is profitability; imagine going through all the stress, spending a lot on hardware and technical support from IT Mining expert only to get a meager reward, it could be quite discouraging. With BatMine the case is definitely different because BatMine has secured a miner that guarantee the highest hash power in correlation with low energy use obtainable in the mining industry today, incorporated a legally compliant profit sharing mechanism that will greatly favor all and sundry and strategically positioned itself in a country where electricity cost is cheap and the climate is favorable hereby attenuating the need for a cooling system. The BatMine platform hopes to provide the fastest cryptocurrency mining operation obtainable for Bitcoin (BTC) mining at 55 th/s by an upcoming miner while Litecoin (LTC) and Ethereum(ETH) mining will run a new chip of 10nm, 5M scrypt hash per chip and a very minimal energy usage of 0.5W/M hash power. Besides LTC, BTC, and ETH, BatMine also intends to mine other proof of work(PoW) coins and scrypt-algorithm based coins that will be profitable at present or in the future.
Core Features of the BatMine Platform
- Ideal Location: Most of the mining platform in the crypto space finds it difficult to survive due to the wrong choices they make in terms of location. Mining especially industrial mining is known to consume a lot of energy and produce significant heat which if not controlled could lead to damage of the miner and impede activities in the mining facility. In a bid to mitigate this issues and guarantee profitable, consistent and optimal performance of the BatMine mining facility, the facility will be located in Czech Republic and the company based in Bulgaria so as to tap into the cheap cost of electricity (4 cent/hr), cool climate , abundance of labor and quality IT personnel, low tax rate, and a stable legal and economic environment that is favorable for crypto mining activities.
- Multiple revenue streams: BatMine will generate revenue from high-performance mining of cryptocurrencies (mainly BTC, ETH, and LTC) using the best miners available in the market and reserving profits from its operation for the replacement of worn out miners, sponsoring of research and development of faster and more cost-efficient mining chips. The platform will also generate revenue from Mining as a Service (MaaS) which is a fantastic means of entering the mining industry for individuals who can't afford the time, cost and stress of operating a mining facility of their own. With the Maas service, individuals will be able to tap into all the juicy benefits of the platform without any stress and will still get access to mining results and monthly distribution of mined profits. BatMine also provides custodial services in which the platform will help individuals who own their own miners to manage their mining operations and host their miners on the BatMine facility for a fee that can be paid in EUR or any currency mined on the facility by the miner. The Batimine platform will also sell hardware such as its state of the art mining equipment, developed miners and chips to both wholesalers, retailers or individual customers.
- profit Sharing mechanism and BatMine Token: The BatMine platform seeks to share profit generated through diverse revenue stream amongst its investor in a legally compliant mechanism known as silent partnership and with this in place investors who support the project by buying into the project via the ICO will be guaranteed a portion of 30% of the total profits generated on the BatMine platform for 10 years. The investors in the ICO will also get BATM token which is an erc-20 token with a maximum supply of 350 million tokens. The BATM token will be tradable on exchanges like other cryptocurrency and will also give access to MaaS services, hash power and custodial service packages on the BatMine Platform. #BatMine
Website: https://batmine.io/
Whitepaper: https://bit.ly/2CXgRy3
Bounty0x ID: ecamli