The High Note with Tara Murney

The High Note with Tara Murney

Welcome to my #newsletter, I'm excited to share and connect a tad deeper with all of my readers and those in my communities who have shown me incredible support during my #linkedin journey. Yes, my Newsletters are longer than most so get cozy, grab a coffee and let’s go!

Each month, I will share bright insights, stories, inspiring ideas, the latest in research and science, all tied into EI and PQ, in the hopes you find the courage to lean into self-discovery and utilize actionable steps to design your life in a way that brings purpose, more joy, abundance, fulfillment and greater meaning!

Welcome in April

April is a month of showers, its Q2 and its also a month for rebirth and growth which equal = POSSIBILITIES.

For all my April Leaders, these are the people who are ambitious, charismatic, you are born to be leaders, don't forget that. This is an opportunity to do some self-discovery and plant new seeds that are more aligned with who you are and what you want to achieve. Sometimes, April leaders can be stubborn and bossy, try to bring awareness to this aspect of Self and find ways in which you can collaborate more. You are both creative and intelligent as #leaders, many look up to you and are watching; even when you think they aren't.

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April Full Moon, the Pink Moon - MIDJOURNEY

April also hosts an incredible sight for all of us to witness, get your cameras out and be ready!

On April 6th at 12:34 am EST, The April Full Moon, also referred to as the Pink Moon with fill our night sky.

The Full Moon of April 2023 is known as the Pink Moon, a name that originated from the blooming of pink phlox flowers that are typical of this time of year. Spring is in full swing in many places, while in others, buds are only just beginning to form. Nevertheless, determined tulips and daffodils are already pushing their way forward, preparing to show off their vibrant colors.

As we immerse ourselves in the season of Spring, we sense a simmering of anticipation and possibility in the air. Themes of prosperity and renewal take center stage, as we welcome the longer days and warmer weather. The Full Moon of April 2023 reminds us to stay focused on the present moment, after a long winter spent planning and plotting for the future.

April is a month of changeable weather, with rain, thunder, and wind storms that sweep across the land, spreading seeds and life along with it. Mother Nature's power and endurance are on full display, reminding us of the interconnectedness of all living things.

Naming each Full Moon was a way for people to reflect on the season and how it affected them and the natural world. The names of Full Moons can vary depending on their origins, with many being English translations of Native American names, while others have roots in Celtic, European, or Neo-Pagan traditions.

So, take a moment to pause and appreciate the Pink Moon of April 2023 and all it represents, and let its energy inspire you to make the most of this vibrant and transformative time of year.

The Pursuit of Happiness: Cherishing the Present

I wanted to dedicate this portion of the newsletter to helping you navigate the challenges of life and achieve a more harmonized and fulfilling existence. I want to particularity discuss the idea of perpetual dreaming and the importance of cherishing the present moment.

The Trap of Perpetual Dreaming

As we move through life, it's all too common to find ourselves constantly chasing after happiness, believing that it lies just around the corner. We set goals, make plans, and look forward to the next stage in our lives, only to discover that the happiness we sought remains elusive. This cycle of expectation and disappointment can leave us feeling dissatisfied and detached from the present.

Why Happiness Isn't Just Around the Corner

It's important to recognize that happiness isn't solely dependent on external circumstances or life milestones. Instead, it's a combination of our thoughts, feelings, and actions, as well as our ability to appreciate and find joy in the present moment. By constantly chasing after happiness, we may miss out on the beauty and richness of our current circumstances.

Living in the Present: A Path to Happiness

Many of us live our lives with the belief that happiness is just around the corner. We believe that once we achieve certain milestones, like getting married, having kids, or retiring, we'll finally find the happiness we've been longing for. However, we often find that these milestones only bring temporary happiness, and we're left searching for the next thing that will finally make us feel complete.

It's important to realize that the pursuit of happiness is a journey, not a destination. Happiness isn't found in achieving a certain goal, but rather in the everyday moments and experiences that make up our lives. If we're constantly living in anticipation of tomorrow, we'll miss out on the joys that can be found in the present moment.?

So, instead of waiting for some future moment to find happiness, let's focus on finding it in the present. Take a moment to appreciate the people and experiences in your life right now. Practice gratitude and focus on the positive aspects of your current situation. Find joy in the small things, like a beautiful sunset, a good book, or a warm cup of coffee.

It's also important to remember that life is full of ups and downs. No matter what stage of life you're in, there will always be challenges and setbacks. Instead of getting stuck in the negative, focus on the lessons you can learn from these experiences and use them to grow and become a stronger person.

In conclusion, the pursuit of happiness is not about waiting for some future moment to arrive, but rather finding joy in the present and appreciating the journey of life. Let's embrace the ups and downs and focus on the positive aspects of our lives right now. After all, happiness isn't a destination, it's a journey.

I want to offer you some strategies to help you live more fully in the present moment and break free from the cycle of perpetual dreaming:

Mindfulness Practice: Practicing mindfulness can help you stay present in the moment and become more aware of your thoughts and emotions. It involves paying attention to your senses, your breathing, and your surroundings, without judgment. You can start by setting aside a few minutes each day to practice mindfulness meditation or simply taking a few mindful breaths throughout the day.

Gratitude Practice: Practicing gratitude can help you appreciate the positive aspects of your life and find joy in the present moment. You can start by writing down three things you're grateful for each day or taking a moment to express gratitude for something positive that happened in your day.

Engage in Activities You Enjoy: Engaging in activities you enjoy can help you stay present and find joy in the moment. Whether it's reading a book, going for a walk, or spending time with loved ones, find activities that bring you joy and make them a regular part of your routine.

Set Realistic Expectations: Setting unrealistic expectations can lead to disappointment and perpetuate the cycle of perpetual dreaming. Instead, focus on setting realistic goals and taking steps towards achieving them. Celebrate small victories along the way and appreciate the progress you're making.

Practice Self-Care: Taking care of your physical, emotional, and mental health can help you feel more grounded and present in the moment. This can include getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and practicing self-compassion.

Live in the Moment: Finally, make a conscious effort to live in the moment and appreciate the present. Practice being fully present in conversations, savoring your meals, and taking in your surroundings. Let go of distractions and focus on experiencing life as it happens.

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Remember … living more fully in the present moment requires conscious effort and practice. By incorporating mindfulness, gratitude, enjoyable activities, realistic expectations, self-care, and living in the moment, you can break free from the cycle of perpetual dreaming and find joy in the present.


Have you ever found yourself struggling with a situation that seems impossible to change? Maybe you're feeling overwhelmed with work or stuck in a difficult relationship. Perhaps you're trying to balance a new addition to your family with the demands of your career. Whatever the case may be, it's easy to get caught up in negative thoughts and emotions which make it seem impossible to move forward.

Let’s take a quick opportunity to explore how the rule of reframing can help you to change your perspective or widen the window of perspective which allows you to think differently, and reduce anxiety. Based on cognitive psychology, reframing is a powerful tool that allows you to see a problem from a new angle. By doing so, you can break out of harmful cycles of thought and behavior and find new solutions to old problems. Sounds great doesn’t it?

Let's use an example of how the rule of reframing helped one small-business owner to save his business and his relationships with his family.

"I was struggling," Mark said. "As a small-business owner, I decide my own working hours. And as someone who craves structure, I like to start my day at the same time every morning. But when my youngest daughter was born, all of that went out of the window."

His daughter wasn't sleeping well, which meant that his wife, who was breastfeeding, wasn't sleeping well either. This left him feeling anxious and unproductive, as he watched his most productive hours slip away. But then, he decided to use the rule of reframing to change his perspective.

He purposefully changed the thought dominating his mind from "I'm getting such a late start. I hate this," to "It's great that I'm so flexible! We need this." By doing so, he was able to see the situation from a different angle. Instead of focusing on what he couldn't control, he focused on the positive aspects of his situation. This allowed him to support his wife and spend priceless time with his new daughter, all while running his business.

The rule of reframing can look different depending on what you're dealing with. But it always involves seeing a problem from a different angle, with the goal of breaking a cycle of harmful thoughts and behavior. By changing the way you think and feel about a problem, you ultimately change the impact the problem has on you.

Here are a 5 steps to help you reframe a situation:

  1. Identify the negative thoughts or emotions that are holding you back.
  2. Look for evidence that contradicts those thoughts or emotions.
  3. Consider alternative explanations for the situation.
  4. Focus on the positive aspects of the situation.
  5. Look for opportunities to learn and grow from the experience.

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REFRAMING - The Shift in Perspective

By following these steps, you can learn to reframe situations in a way that #empowers you to take control of your life. Whether you're dealing with a difficult relationship, a stressful work situation, or a challenging life event, the rule of reframing can help you to think differently, reduce anxiety, and find new solutions to old problems.

If you'd like to learn more about emotional intelligence and the art of reframing or how it can help you and/or your team, send me a DM! We're here to support you on your journey to a more fulfilling and empowered life.

Paper Written Using ChatGPT Demonstrates Opportunities and Challenges of AI in Academia

I’ve been leaning more and more into the world of AI, and to be honest, I fought it at first as I was very undecided, maybe you could say a tad uneasy or unsettled as all I could think about was the movie Terminator; my thoughts went directly to the end of the world! I don't believe I am alone on this one either. However, over the last couple months, I’ve challenged myself and opened up my mind to the thought of possibilities and growth.

I've read countless pieces of literature, joined in on some fantastic audio rooms, tons of LinkedIn LIVES and attended amazing masterclasses, two of which have been my favorite hosted by the amazing Shanee Moret and Shankar Poncelet . I have learned to stretch my comfort zone. Through one of my reads I came across an interesting article and I’m excited to share with you a recent development in the world of artificial intelligence (AI). In November 2022, #ChatGPT was launched, which is a chatbot and AI platform that has the potential to revolutionize research and education. However, as the technology becomes more advanced, concerns about academic honesty and plagiarism have emerged in the education sector. We now have ChatGPT4 which is truly a game changer and everyone is trying to catch up!

To address these concerns, a new study was conducted by academics from Plymouth Marjon University and the University of Plymouth. They used ChatGPT to demonstrate how sophisticated Large Language Machines (LLMs) have become and the steps that can be taken to ensure its influence remains positive. The study, published in the peer-reviewed journal Innovations in Education and Teaching International, included a series of prompts and questions to encourage ChatGPT to produce content in an academic style.

The study's authors highlighted that the text produced by ChatGPT can be relatively formulaic, and several existing AI-detection tools would pick up on that. However, their findings serve as a wake-up call to university staff to think carefully about the design of their assessments and ways to ensure academic dishonesty is minimized.

The study's lead author, Professor Debby Cotton, Director of Academic Practice and Professor of Higher Education at Plymouth Marjon University, noted that the latest AI development brings huge challenges for universities, particularly in testing student knowledge and teaching writing skills. But she sees it as an opportunity for universities to rethink what they want students to learn and why. The use of AI can also allow academics to automate some of the more administrative tasks, allowing more time to be spent working with students. That's a win!

Dr. Peter Cotton, Associate Professor in Ecology at the University of Plymouth, emphasized that banning ChatGPT can only be a short-term solution while we address the issues. He believes that AI is already widely accessible to students outside of their institutions, and universities must adapt to a paradigm where the use of AI is the expected norm.

The study's authors and their colleagues urge universities to take a pragmatic approach and leverage AI technology to their advantage, ensuring that academic dishonesty is minimized and the positive impact of AI is maximized.

In addition to revolutionizing education, AI has many benefits in #business, including increased efficiency and productivity, improved decision-making, and enhanced customer experience.

AI can help automate tedious and repetitive tasks, allowing employees to focus on more complex and creative work. It can also analyze large amounts of data and provide insights that humans may miss, leading to more informed decision-making. Finally, AI can personalize customer experiences, providing them with tailored recommendations and solutions based on their preferences and behavior.

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ChatGPT - Open AI

As AI continues to evolve, its potential benefits in business are immense. Companies that embrace AI technology and incorporate it into their operations and strategies can gain a competitive advantage in today's rapidly changing marketplace.

I don't believe that AI will replace people, but people will be replaced by other people who know how to utilize AI well.

Videos of the Week:

In the chance you missed them, I wanted to share some pretty amazing videos with you this week, check them out:

  • Things that Make you Go Ummm HERE
  • Self-Awareness Has Two Facets to It HERE
  • The Youngest Emotionally Intelligent Child I've Ever Seen HERE
  • AI Marketing HERE
  • Intuition Test HERE
  • Pluto Has Arrived HERE

3 Virtuous Pillars of Grief

In vulnerability, I will share that I have been grieving lately, too be quite honest and specific, April 10th will be 4 years. Grief is heavy and can be one of the most challenging of emotions as there is no expiry date, I feel that often, grief is love with no where to go. Its a natural response to losing someone or something important to us. It is a complex and individual process that can look and feel different for everyone, but for those reading who maybe aren't too familiar with the general ways to describe what it might look and feel like, here is a list:

Emotionally: Grief can feel like a rollercoaster of emotions. It may involve feeling sadness, anger, guilt, loneliness, and even numbness at different times. It can be overwhelming and unpredictable.

Physically: Grief can have physical symptoms too, such as fatigue, difficulty sleeping or eating, headaches, and changes in appetite.

Mentally: Grief can impact our ability to think clearly and make decisions. It may also cause us to question our beliefs or our purpose in life.

Socially: Grief can lead to feelings of isolation and can affect our relationships with others. We may feel like we don't want to burden others with our sadness or that others won't understand.

Spiritually: For some people, grief may prompt questions about the meaning of life and death and can lead to a search for deeper spiritual meaning or connection.

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For my readers who are looking for ways in which they can support someone who is grieving, here are five things you can do today:

  • Listen: Simply being there to listen to the person's thoughts and feelings can be incredibly helpful. Encourage them to express themselves and let them know that you're there for them. I am blessed to have certain people who check in with me often, just to listen; most don't even say a word.
  • Validate: Let the person know that their feelings are normal and valid. It can be helpful to acknowledge that everyone grieves differently and that there is no right or wrong way to grieve.
  • Be patient: Grief is a process that can take time, so it's important to be patient and understanding. Don't rush the person to "move on" or "get over it." If you have someone in your life who consistently echoes "just get over it" I recommend a healthy boundary be put in place.
  • Offer practical support: Offer to help with practical tasks like cooking meals, running errands, or taking care of children or pets. These things can be overwhelming for someone who is grieving. Often its helping with the small things that remove the weight on their chest. Support looks different for everyone, simply ask.
  • Check in: Don't be afraid to check in with the person regularly, even months or years after the loss. Let them know that you're still thinking of them and that you're there to support them whenever they need it.

My dear friend and world-renowned John Brocas recently wrote an article on LinkedIn that I think everyone grieving should read. He states:

"Grief is an emotion that is often associated with loss. This loss has many facets to it and can comprise the loss of a loved one, a job, a relationship, or even something quite material. While grief can be a difficult and painful experience, it also has its #virtues. Grief can become your greatest teacher when we understand and practice these virtuous pillars of grief. It can be the catalyst for spiritual transformation. Once we understand the virtues of grief, one can grow spiritually. In fact, we often understand spiritual growth after traumatic events as post-traumatic growth. This type of transformative experience is a positive blessing of the grieving journey."

Please take a moment to read his full article and do pass it along to someone you may know that is dealing with grief at the moment. You can find it HERE?

Book of the Week: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey

I've actually read this book several times, its a must read and also one I suggest you return to at least every year.

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Stephen Covey shares with us seven habits one should adapt to become truly effective in whatever you would like to achieve in life. Its definitely not as easy as it may seem, it requires a shift, a fundamental change in how we perceive the world and ourselves. This is often what I refer to as our window of perspective.

This book can be read as a guide, with practices and everything, to go through the stages in order to make such a shift happen. Part shock-therapy, part ageless spiritual wisdom, Covey’s book is packed with wisdom that actually makes a difference.

This book is not just about becoming more effective, it is about becoming a whole integrated person who not only seeks the best in oneself, but also in the people around him/her; my kind of experiences. This definitely is a must read for anyone who feels there is always something left to learn and they want to grow in the area of personal development.

The book has philosophical and existential views on life, relationships, teamwork, and family yet also presents down-to-earth application suggestions (refer to page 186). I won't list the 7 habits as I want to encourage you to read it but will share a great quote from Stephen:

The next time you have a disagreement or confrontation with someone, attempt to understand the concerns underlying that person's position. Address those concerns in a creative and mutually beneficial way.”

Maybe its the self-awareness in me however, I deeply believe that most of us understand and are aware that we have the initiative and the responsibility to make things happen; we have choice or as many would call it; free will. Enjoy !!

Listen to Your Gut

I'm referring to what some describe as a gut feeling, instinct, your sixth sense, a hunch, Spidey sense, a knowing, your higher self, and a deluge of other terms but I just call it the deepest center of being. Its everyone’s very own superpower, if not the greatest I would argue!

The most mainstream term is #intuition, which is an inner sense or feeling that we have, which helps us to make decisions or judgments without relying on conscious reasoning or analysis. Often there is no rational explanation which is why we choose not to listen, I mean it seems to be uncertain, risky, theres no facts or evidence right? However, how many times have you said to yourself or heard someone else say:

" I knew it!" or "I knew I should have listened!"

How many can relate?

Some of the greatest human beings to walk this planet have often given great credit to their intuition for their contributions to the world. People like Nikola Tesla, Winston Churchill, Oprah Winfrey, Walt Disney, Alexander G. Bell, Richard Branson, The Dalai Lama and even Einstein; all have been quoted throughout history speaking of this innate navigation system we all have. I think there is much to be said here and holds a tremendous amount of weight.

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Albert Einstein - MIDJOURNEY

Intuition is a powerful tool that can help us navigate life's challenges and make important decisions, even when we don't have all the information we need. It can come from a variety of sources, including past experiences, our subconscious mind, and our connection to something greater than ourselves.

Some people may experience intuition as a physical sensation, such as a fluttering in their stomach or a tingling in their body, while others may simply feel a sense of knowing or clarity about a particular situation or decision. There are even people who hear subtle "whispers".

Intuition is not infallible, and it can be influenced by our biases and beliefs. However, with practice and #selfawareness, we can learn to distinguish between our intuition and our other thoughts and feelings, and use it to make better decisions and live a more fulfilling life.

I'm very aware at this point that all of this may seem a bit woo-woo for you, but despite the verbiage, my interpretation, or description, the bottom line is, listening and trusting yourself is very important and to be quite direct; it's what separates the ordinary from the extraordinary.

I have spent over 20+ years coaching some of the greatest thought leaders, entrepreneurs and professionals on how to fine tune this incredible gift and I want to take this opportunity to invite you all to JOIN ME on April 4th at 9:30 am EST for an audio event on LinkedIn.

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I will be diving deep into this incredible and natural gift that we all have, its an opportunity for you take away some tools and simple practices that you can start immediately to better develop and strengthen your inner GPS. Join me and my friends as we share the stage and have an organic and fun conversation! I sent out invites but in the chance you missed it or I maxed out, please click HERE and add it to your calendar! See you there!

Inspirational Human of the Week:

85% of Fortune 500 companies use #canva for graphic design, but the platform appeals to everyone from students to entrepreneurs to executives. Canva makes it simple for everyone to create with professional graphic designing features, and a massive library of templates. I am forever a student of Canva, I use it every single day; it allows for my creativity and curiosity to flow. In just six years, the company has grown to a billion with Melanie Perkins , an Australian technology entrepreneur.

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CEO of CANVA - Melanie Perkins

As one of the youngest female tech CEOs on the planet, I feel she really is just getting started! On March 23, Canva entered a Brand New Era of visual communication and introduced their newest features at Canva Create. They have supercharged design across the Visual Work Suite with incredible, magical, AI-powered capabilities. They just unboxed 11 new magical features that empower design for every team. If you missed the LIVE that they hosted, you can catch the highlights HERE.

#CONGRATULATIONS to Melanie and the entire Canva Team for leaning in and creating some of the greatest tools possible for all of us to enjoy!


There are many times where we seek things in life, its during times we feel detached, have a lack of clarity, feel we aren't at our best or we long to experience specific things such as more abundance, joy, confidence and many others. In order to receive what you desire, that in which you seek, you are required to practice. This magnificent universe responds well to action and intentionality.

Below, I put together a quick "cheat-sheet" (YUP, I used Canva) for those who want or long for certain things. For each want, you are required to practice the listed action.

Print it out as an easy reference point and let me know if you require some more support. Remember, be kind and patient with yourself, its a journey.

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Oh ... WAIT!

Before you go:

I love #feedback and welcome it all!

I do put a lot of time, energy, and thought into each one of these newsletters so its important that I receive feedback -?good old honest and transparent feedback so that I know how to best serve my audience.

These newsletters are not about me nor for me but rather my readers and followers in the hopes and with a goal to help them navigate obstacles, read the latest in research and science, find the courage to lean into self-discovery and utilize actionable steps to design a life in a way that brings purpose, more joy, abundance, fulfillment and greater meaning!


  • let me know what you liked
  • what you would like more or less of
  • and how I can support you best during your journey

If you know someone that this newsletter could serve, please share it out.

Until next time ...

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Raju Yadav

offset Pressman/

1 年

So beautiful ??

Kerryn Joseph Wayow

Owner / Principal, Pinnacle Plus Career Services / Pinnacle Potential * Career Counselling, Career Coaching

1 年

Loved this newsletter! Guess, I need to keep an open mind about AI too. However, at the moment it's shut like a steel trap. I still think we are always trying to seeking innovation, without an actual problem..



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