High Impact Teams are Authentic!

High Impact Teams are Authentic!

Well here we are at the end of this five part, quick read series on what separates High Impact Teams from other teams. We have discussed the effect these teams have on financial performance and market valuation. We have talked about modes of communication they use most often, and how they structure and run meetings. We have touched on how they connect and the benefits of that as well as how they show appreciation to each other across the company. There is only one thing left to discuss. Authenticity.

Authenticity is a word that gets tossed around a lot but it is a trait that High Impact Teams have in abundance and they are intentional in the way they express emotions, both positive and negative.

Studies show that these types of teams are more likely to express positive emotions to the teams they work with. They are open and generous with appreciation and they are more likely to tease and joke with their teammates which speaks to the genuine nature of their relationships and interactions. Makes sense right?

Interestingly, they are also more likely to express negative emotions and even curse (which speaks to a level of comfort and trust in the relationship) in their interactions with their co-workers. The question becomes why does expressing negative thoughts and feelings often results in positive outcomes?

Consider this. What is the opposite of expressing something? Suppressing, right? Suppressing emotions has been found to be more cognitively draining leaving less free brainpower to be productive.

Obviously, there are times when expressing negative emotion is neither productive or appropriate, but in those cases where it is handled properly, it contributes to your team's authenticity which in turn promotes overall well being in the workplace and better outcomes. In short, it provides your teams a safe space to work in everyday.

So, what is the lesson here. Contrary to some long held beliefs, being authentic (maybe at times even a bit vulnerable) to who you are has distinct advantages to you in business so long as you use good judgement in what you choose to share and express as part of your authentic self. To put it another way, be wary of TMI. To Much Information.

To be a bit more specific I would suggest that while it is important to be yourself, use some caution and commonsense and consider the thoughts and feeling of your teammates when choosing to be authentic. Not everyone shares your beliefs, political affiliations, or spiritual convictions. In other words, authentic does not mean, uncaring, insensitive, or my all time favorite, brutally honest. NOTE: In my experience, the words "brutally honest", when used in conjunction with each other, is simply a code that really difficult people use to justify their behavior.

The idea here is to be as authentic as possible to build true, trusted relationships that lead to better outcomes as a team to reach, what is hopefully, your shared vision.

I hope you have gotten something out of this series and remember, feel free to reach out to me if you would like to discuss any topic we cover here at The Talent Advantage.



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