High Hopes...
There is no question I’ve been an optimist for most of my nearly 83 years, and at times it has cost me. But I think I’ve benefited from that stance far more than I’ve suffered.
As we enter this new year here are my hopes and aspirations:
Our borders are controlled, and we judge who deserves to join those of us blessed to be born or already accepted into the most generous and lawful country on earth.
That we recover and maintain that position of lawfulness as it has stuttered and stumbled over the last few years.
That rational thinking overrules the wishes of many who want wind and sun to replace, immediately, oil with which the country is so blessed. Replace it before it’s time. When technology catches up, and I hope it will, and provides the means for these free sources of energy to provide enough, then oil can go the way of the buggy whip, but until that time wishes won’t feed and clothe and warm, and provide medicines, for your family or mine.
That our laws are actually enforced, and punishment, swift and sure, is understood to be the deterrent of crime. It takes strength to punish, but the result of weakness is destruction, and yes death. Capital punishment should be reinstated for knowingly committed capital crimes. It’s cowardice not to revenge those purposefully deprived of a full life.
That our “two tiered” justice system is done away with and those who commit crimes, no matter their social or economic status are punished, the financial baron right along with the homeless derelict.
That every American citizen is offered the protection of every resource of this country, and when Americans are kidnapped, as many have been in Israel, or attacked as they have been in the broader Middle East, or our ships attacked as they have been in the Persian Gulf, our response is swift and punitive. America needs to look back on the time of Teddy Roosevelt and General Pershing. Retribution should not be equal and opposite; it should be returned times ten or more.
I could go on and on, but my hope is that logic prevails in both domestic and international relations.
God bless America.
Loan Officer at Builders Capital
1 年God Bless America! LJ, have a fantastic 2024!
Great message, thank you.