High Flying
Avijit Athrapulikkal (Avi)
Associate Vice President @ IKS Health | MBA, Operations Management
In one of my work-related trips to the city of Vizag and back, it was just past noon but felt like late evening due to rain and heavy clouds. On way to airport I was almost certain that flight might get canceled due to bad weather.
We took off on time, but it was bit of a stomach-churning ride initially. The seatbelt sign was engaged for most part initially and someone like me who hates flying, it was quite an ordeal.
I couldn’t see much from windows, occasionally some rain drops hitting windowpanes and disappearing. It was pretty dark. It was bumpy ride and I could feel my stomach in mouth.
We gained altitude and 15 mins into the flight all of a sudden I could see a sunny blue sky outside. Looking down, all I could see was cotton-candy clouds and some lightning within it. The seatbelt signs were off and the flight attendants started serving snacks and coffee. We were cruising smooth!!
Motivational speakers often provide you a philosophical advice; be like an eagle and fly over the clouds when it rains! Often eagles are quoted in corporate motivational discourse.
I am no ornithologist to provide an explanation whether or not eagles have ability to fly over the clouds when it rains. All I know is when life takes you through some dark, bumpy and tough times, you need to have the perseverance, trust, and confidence to work and lift yourself over that!
You too can fly over the clouds!