High Five Failure…It’s a Sign of Moving Forward!

High Five Failure…It’s a Sign of Moving Forward!

High Five Failure…It’s a Sign of Moving Forward!

The first thing for anybody to achieve great success is that they must be able to abandon the fear of failure and recondition their brain as to what failure means. Successful entrepreneurs embrace failure because it’s a sign of moving forward. 

They believe failure allows them to make new distinctions and recognize the next steps that are needed to be done differently to achieve their goals.  The more you fail the closer you are to your goal. Remember this…if you are not achieving great failure, then you are not doing enough.

One of my mentors would often quote “the saddest summary of life contains 3 descriptions: could have, might have, and should have”.  Great success is only achieved by taking action, taking calculated risk, becoming more of who you are and desire to become. It requires jumping out of your comfort zone daily.

On a daily basis you must go outside of your comfort zone and stretch yourself, your beliefs, your actions and results. To do this you must overcome the often debilitating fear of failure and rejection. You can’t just face your fears, you have to embrace your fears and rip them apart. You have to do what you fear in order to have the most amazing life, living to your true potential.  Start doing what you fear today, make that call, meet that person, take that action that makes you scared, muck it up and learn from mistakes.

Get excited for rejection and get excited to fail.  High Five failure, because it is those that fail forward that achieve true success in life. When you fail, your life is actually changing for the better even if it does not seem or feel that way at the moment!  Dream BIG and start taking small imperfect actions today! “Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go” T.S. Elliot

Time and time again, it has been shown that the people who succeed are those who abandon the fear of failure and never give up.  Here are some examples:

  • Babe Ruth, the famous baseball player, struck out 1,330 times but he also hit 714 home runs.
  • In its first year of business, the Coca-Cola Company only sold 400 cokes.
  • Seuss’ first children’s book was rejected 23 times. The 24th publisher sold six million copies.
  • As a young man, Walt Disney was advised by an editor to give up drawing. Walt Disney was also turned down 302 times before he got his financing for his dream – creating the happiest place on earth.

ASSIGNMENT: How do you React to Failure?

Provide Examples of a Time when you Quit and when you Kept TRYING!

  1. Write down one key example of when you tried something and it didn’t work out so you refused to try again. Provide the reason why you did not try again.
  2. Write down 2 examples of when you tried something and it didn’t work out, but you refused to quit. Provide the reason why you kept trying until you succeeded.


Most people live the life they think they have to live. They are unfulfilled, overworked, stressed and stuck in a system that exploits them instead of helping them achieve their highest potential. They get the education they think they need to get the job society says they should want. Our vision is to wake up millions of people to realize the tremendous potential that lies within them. And further, to show them how to harness and exploit this potential in the new, digital economy. In doing so, they will transition from reliance on their current job or occupation to a life of freedom, self-reliance, and total control.

Abandon the fear of failure and take advantage of our Exclusive Video Series – FREE

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ZAGGTIME has joined forces with (DEA) Digital Experts Academy and (SFM) Six Figure Mentors to provide you the latest and greatest in tools and strategy to design the business and life you love. Be prepared to get blown away by our exclusive video series! Each day over the next 7 days we will email you a link to a special feature video that will educate you on the most cutting edge principles in online business along with critical coaching advice to overcome the things that may be holding you back from finding REAL success.

Right now, we would like to introduce you to our business partner Stuart Ross.  And at the link below you’ll be able to register for a 7 DAY LIFESTYLE SERIES…Where we’d like to show you to how Stuart along with ourselves were able to abandon the fear of failure and transform our lives through education, mentorship, and business.

? Get Your 7 Day Lifestyle Series FREE:https://tidyurl.com/z1nbiy



