High Feed Milling
Hello guys today I’ll be discussing about high feed milling. The tool that you see on this picture
Feed mills are characterized by a very small lead angle so this is probably 45 the beginning of what we’d call a high feed mill. When you have a very low lead angle like that you’he got to be careful that your depth of cut is not too great or you’ll go right over the top of your flutes. So that is another characteristic of the high feed mills as we are cutting full width with the diameter but taking very light cuts and keeping the feed rate.
I want to show you today how to use NX create the kind of tool path that they’re looking for in. I have got operation
Let me go through a few details on how this was created and then we’ll fix our problem.
You can see that i’ve got my step over set at 92% again that’s a characteristic of high feed mills, if we want to go almost full width with tose then. Let’s go into the cutting parameters.
Here i am using the floor wall and you notice these little see cuts here on the outside. I want to be able to machine right over the top of those .
I’m using here if i have a blank to find as you can kind of this picture. So it’s looking at that blank and using that to determine the outer perimeter that’s why i’m not having any problems getting around those. Also i’ve got a tool overhanging of 50%.
Look at the non cutting moves and here we’ll see in the engage that i’ve got my open area engaged type set to arc. I’ve got a radius at 55% of the tool diameter. Change the arc angle from positive to negative so here i’ll just change that to negative 90 degrees.
Let’s regenerate and what you’ll see is that an X will flip those arcs around to the other side.
Basically all you need to do there to accommodate those high feed mills.
Let’s do a quick verify here this will go pretty quick but i’m on 3d dynamic. I’ve got the tools set to wireframe and i’m displaying the tool path .
Earlier i mentioned that my radius for the lead-in move was 55% of the tool to get the thinnest chip on exit. I’d actually want to set this to 50% of the tool but the problm there is that then. I have no clearance on my lead in the tool would be wrapping down just right on the edge of the part. So it’s necessary to give yourself a little bit of clearance and in this case i chose 55%. That’s really what you need to do then to get your high feed tool set.