High End Arduino with AURIX called "Shield Buddy" from Hitex/Infineon
How does an Arduino with 3 32-bit cores + 3 FPUs all running at 200 MHz sound? Sounds like overkill for your current AVR or mega design? Well maybe it is, but image what you can do with such a processing power! Makers often use slightly outdated technology because access to latest technology is rather limited. With this little module you can leave all the Cortex-M based hardware implementations in the dust.
Let's have a look at Clive Maxfield's article what he discovered using this great little hardware.
From his article: "So, what makes the ShieldBuddy so special? Well, how about the fact that the TC275 boasts three independent 32-bit cores, all running at 200 MHz, each with its own FPU, and all sharing 4 Mbytes of Flash and 500 Kbytes of RAM"
Got some need for speed, check it out and be amazed.
Additional information on the hardware specs from Hitex