High Eagle's Abundance Tip #6:

High Eagle's Abundance Tip #6:

High Eagle's Abundance Tip #6: Enjoy deep?loving relationships (The rainforest story)

You can attract?the most incredible, priceless lessons every day, if you’re open to them.

For instance here’s one to help you?build a confident and loving relationship with yourself (or anyone else for that matter).

Follow the path I’m going to lay out and your will soon start to?reach your true and incredible potential…

For instance, I was in the museum recently with my kids. They were off bounding away somewhere having fun. I found myself drawn to an information graphic on the wall. It was all about rainforests. I learned something very?interesting.

In fact, a lightbulb went off in my mind (and will for you too)…

Did you know there are 4 layers of every?rainforest (I didn’t and it blew my mind)…

The three main layers are:

  1. The forest floor (which receives 2% of the sunlight. It’s a dark place)
  2. The understorey. This is where much of the wildlife lives. (It’s still pretty dark)
  3. The canopy. Supposedly the top of the rainforest

But then comes a fourth layer. It’s called the “Emergent Layer”. It’s?higher than high. It’s the realm of the trees that know no limits. They just keep growing above the canopy.

This interestingly is where the eagles fly and where you can find amazing butterflies?living in freedom.

I can’t help thinking that we are all?very much?like these?rainforests. Even when we’re living in the darkest of times and places, we still have the potential to grow. To let our?spirits soar and embrace our own emergent layer.

Your abundant and emergent part is the part I call your “source code”. It lives in?unlimited love light and freedom. And it wants you to?follow it there just like one of those butterflies.

Love who you could be and who you can become when you follow this path to your potential.

Respect your true value and potential and?soon you’ll be happier than you ever imagined. And you’ll be able to sell your value to the world as effortlessly and naturally as Mother Theresa and Martin Luther King. (Yes they were both A+ level salespeople, or rainmakers if you will).

This?definitely is?achievable for you. It all starts by experiencing your value from the perspective of other people. People in this world need your beautiful energy. The laws of attraction and abundance will recognize and reward your self-awareness and your willingness to?live in emergent energy.

Let me ask you something…

Have you ever tried to go out and put on a workshop or a training program or publish a book or some other creative endeavor?

What you may or may not know is that giving away that training program or product is just as hard as selling it.

A quick side note on value:

Giving stuff away and underestimating your true value can be?so damaging. It affects your sense of self worth. You start to doubt yourself. You start to wonder “Am I good enough?” You start to ask all of those negative, self-defeating?questions.

What I’m here to tell you is that?you are as valuable as all the diamonds and treasure in the world.?When you understand and own that for yourself, you’ll stand taller than your previous canopy, and the universe will?reward you with a constant stream of abundance.

Keep reading through these tips and secrets and soon you’ll discover that?your?relationship with yourself…your confidence in your abilities…and your emotional energy and power…will start to?grow and strengthen rapidly…???W


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