High Court extends Clean Water Act to Groundwater (while EPA tries to walk it back)
It's been a big news week for the Clean Water Act. As we celebrated the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, the courts and the administration were slugging it out over wetlands and other waters. Earlier this week, a District Court in Montana vacated the Corps' Nationwide Permit 12 for utility crossings, raising questions about the nationwide permit program as a whole. Then the Corps and EPA published the new WOTUS rule, which as of June 22 will eliminate federal jurisdiction over significant swaths of non-navigable waters around the country. Today, the Supreme Court ruled that point source discharges to groundwater may be regulated under the Clean Water Act in some instances, dealing a serious setback to EPA's efforts to limit federal jurisdiction over groundwater. A summary of today's remarkable decision, and the other Clean Water Act news of the week, are summarized in our blog, which can be found at the link below:
Sustainable Food Network LLC
4 年Believe me. I do love nature and abhor pollution. My private land conservation has been lauded by USFW staff as greater than that of most cities. But, past experience makes me fearful that a misdirected career bureaucrat may one day take ownership of the fluid in my bladder. Please, let's apply this ruling justly so small property owners can avoid seeking the services of benevolent environmental attorneys